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Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2024 - Jun 30, 2025

Workforce Preparation – 4-H Youth DevelopmentMajor Program


Total Hours




with Local Stakeholders.



of Multistate Efforts.


Total Number

of Volunteers Engaged.

Program Indicators

Number of individuals who reported learning new skills to prepare or improve themselves for the workforce as a result of participating in an Extension workforce development program/outreach.


Number of participants who reported that they improved their job interview skills as a result of participating in an Extension workforce development program/outreach.


Number of participants who reported an improvement in their personal skills (e.g., communication, networking, time management) as a result of participating in an Extension workforce development program/outreach.


Number of participants who reported improvement in their confidence to implement employment strategies as a result of participating in an Extension workforce development program/outreach.


Number of participants who reported that they learned strategies for managing their work-life responsibilities as a result of participating in an Extension workforce development program/outreach.


Number of participants who developed a resume as a result of participating in an Extension workforce development program/outreach.


Number of participants who gained an increase in salary/income as a result of participating in an Extension workforce development program/outreach.


Number of participants who gained new employment as a result of participating in an Extension workforce development program/outreach.



Demonstrated achievement, communcation, and leadership

The Kenton County 4-H recognition program mirrors the National 4-H and Kentucky 4-H models for recognition and provides a balanced approach that encourages a variety of recognition to meet the diverse needs and interests of our youth. “Recognition is a significant incentive to further learning. Recognition properly designed…can inspire youth to continue participating and learning. Recognition is a basic human need with security, new experiences and responses.” (1993). National 4-H Recognition Mo...

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Demonstrated achievement, communcation, and leadership

Stories Behind the Numbers

  • Middle School Students Face Financial “Reality” Through 4-H

    Recent years of tough economic times have increased awareness of the need for financial literacy; however, Americans still have a long way to go toward making improvements. In 2014, the Jump$tart Coal... Read More

  • Interview Preparation

    Describe the Issue or Situation.East Carter Middle School has been looking for ways to cooperate with the community in different ways. They have started Mentorship Mondays. 4-H is privileged to be the... Read More

  • 2024 Corn Dog Booth

    Describe the Issue or Situation:Breathitt Countys poverty rate was at 34.3% in 2016. Breathitt Countys Agent for 4-H Youth Development believes that the best way to combat this issue is to teach the c... Read More

  • A Positive Feedback!!

    Exploring Careers with AgDiscovery at Kentucky State University is the topic of what one student had to say about this unique camp. This past summer (2024) one of the past participants came to the cam... Read More

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