TobaccoMajor Program


Total Hours




with Local Stakeholders.



of Multistate Efforts.


Total Number

of Volunteers Engaged.

Program Indicators

Number of producers achieving iTobacco GAP certification


NNumber of producers who participated in Tobacco GAP training


Number of producers who implemented on-farm trials for tobacco  production


Number of producers who used Extension information to select varieties of tobacco with appropriate disease resistance



Dark Tobacco Production Meeting

Tobacco is an important source of farm income in Todd County. Todd County ranks 4th in Kentucky for value of tobacco production at $13.3 million, according to the 2022 Census of Agriculture. Challenges facing tobacco farmers include contract cuts, increased disease pressure during wet summers, and controlling insect pests.A Dark Tobacco Production Meeting was held in January 2024 to offer farmers information that would help them overcome these challenges and remain profitable. The program was or...

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Dark Tobacco Production Meeting

Stories Behind the Numbers

  • W8 Tobacco GAP Training

    The problemThe Mammoth Cave Area has historically been at the top in tobacco production in KY. Tobacco growers are annually required to complete a Tobacco GAP (Good Agriculture Practices) training. C... Read More

  • Tobacco GAP

    The Mammoth Cave Area has historically been at the top in tobacco production in KY. Agents from Allen, Barren, Hart, Metcalfe and Monroe Counties cooperated to host a regional Tobacco GAP Training. To... Read More

  • Tobacco GAP

    The Mammoth Cave Area has historically been at the top in tobacco production in KY. Agents from Allen, Barren, Hart, Metcalfe and Monroe Counties cooperated to host a regional Tobacco GAP Training. To... Read More

  • Dark Tobacco Production Meeting

    Tobacco is an important source of farm income in Todd County. Todd County ranks 4th in Kentucky for value of tobacco production at $13.3 million, according to the 2022 Census of Agriculture. Challenge... Read More

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