Whitley County 4-H Cloverbuds met in February and learned about the importance of vegetables and how to plant them. We gathered all program areas and offered our services and information to the county along with hands-on activities for Earth Day. This year it was held at the Green Space in downtown Williamsburg for the Earth Day Celebration 2022. The Cloverbuds successfully planted all the vegetables that we gave away during the Earth Day Celebration. The Cloverbuds planted all the ingredients f...
I have been at the University of Kentucky and Cooperative Extension since 1985. Originally from Texas, I received my B.S. degree from Texas Tech University, and my M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from New Mexi... More
For many of the young people who live in Cumberland County, 4-H mentors are much more than tutors or project leaders — they are hope, they are comfort, they are family. They are the pathway to a promi... Read More
Extension Agents are informed community leaders and can add value to planning efforts on a wide range of diverse topics. The active community involvement of Extension Agents, coupled with ongoing Exte... Read More
Cumberland County continues to reap the benefits of a project that first began 8 years ago as a youth service project focused on community beautification and revitalization. The Partners with Pride pr... Read More
The Cumberland County Extension Service dedicates a considerable amount of resources towards volunteer development and program administration. Volunteers play an integral role in many Extension progra... Read More