Healthy and Safety for Ag Producers/WorkersMajor Program


Total Hours




with Local Stakeholders.



of Multistate Efforts.


Total Number

of Volunteers Engaged.

Program Indicators

Stories Behind the Numbers

  • Ag Safety Day

    In 2014, approximately 23,883,000 youth visited farms. Of all youth deaths in agriculture, machinery, motor vehicles (includes ATVs), and drownings were the top three causes in that order (www.cultiva... Read More

  • Joint Safety Day

    For two years, the Wolfe Co ANR Agent has partnered with Wolfe Co Farm Bureau to offer a Farm/Home Safety Field Day. This year, in an effort to reach more people and use resources wisely, Wolfe Co and... Read More

  • Farm and Home Safety Night

    With farming being ranked one of most dangerous occupations, there is always a need to remind our clients of this in an effort to avoid tragedy. Through a group effort between County Extension, Farm B... Read More

  • 2019 Progressive Agriculture Safety Day

    Progressive Agriculture Safety Day is an event that teaches 4th grade students from Marion County about being safe in their community, home, and on the farm. Our rural community is in need of a progra... Read More

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