Charcuterie Board Art and Summer SausageArt and healthy eating come together through innovative charcuterie boards which have become very popular across the state. Bourbon County residents indicated interests in exploring their creativity, learning new food display techniques, and understanding foods well suited for a charcuterie board showcase. Additionally, discovering the history of smoking summer sausage while applying traditional techniques with present day technology has piqued interests f...
For many of the young people who live in Cumberland County, 4-H mentors are much more than tutors or project leaders — they are hope, they are comfort, they are family. They are the pathway to a promi... Read More
Extension Agents are informed community leaders and can add value to planning efforts on a wide range of diverse topics. The active community involvement of Extension Agents, coupled with ongoing Exte... Read More
Cumberland County continues to reap the benefits of a project that first began 8 years ago as a youth service project focused on community beautification and revitalization. The Partners with Pride pr... Read More
The Cumberland County Extension Service dedicates a considerable amount of resources towards volunteer development and program administration. Volunteers play an integral role in many Extension progra... Read More