When promoting camp to our local community, the Extension Staff and myself, do our best to promote the opportunity of camp to all youth within our community. For some youth, 4-H camp is the first experience the have with their local 4-H. The purpose of the 4-H camping program is to improve people through intentional life skill development. There have been several comments that I have heard from our campers this year about all the new things they have tried and the skills they have learned.This y...
I have been at the University of Kentucky and Cooperative Extension since 1985. Originally from Texas, I received my B.S. degree from Texas Tech University, and my M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from New Mexi... More
For many of the young people who live in Cumberland County, 4-H mentors are much more than tutors or project leaders — they are hope, they are comfort, they are family. They are the pathway to a promi... Read More
Extension Agents are informed community leaders and can add value to planning efforts on a wide range of diverse topics. The active community involvement of Extension Agents, coupled with ongoing Exte... Read More
Cumberland County continues to reap the benefits of a project that first began 8 years ago as a youth service project focused on community beautification and revitalization. The Partners with Pride pr... Read More
The Cumberland County Extension Service dedicates a considerable amount of resources towards volunteer development and program administration. Volunteers play an integral role in many Extension progra... Read More