Success Stories By MajorProgram FY2025Jul 1, 2024 - Jun 30, 2025
Will-Writing Clinic Provides Free Legal Services
Author: Brian Jeffiers
Major Program: Financial Education - General
Roughly 68% of the population currently does not have a will to document their wishes for the disposition of their estate upon their death. Without a will, the time and expense of settling the estate becomes much more burdensome to heirs. This effect is amplified if real property remains titled to "the heirs of" the decedent without going through a physical partitioning and titling to the heirs by name. Using funds through an heirs' property grant through Kentucky State Univer
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Planning Holiday Meals on a Thrifty Budget
Author: Linda Burgard
Major Program: Financial Education - General
Inflation has driven the cost of groceries higher in recent years. According to USDA Economic Research Food Price Outlook (2024), food-at-home prices increased by 11.4% in 2022, 5.8% in 2023 and an additional increase of 2.2% is expected throughout 2024. These historically high average prices make meal budgeting, especially holiday meals which tend to cost more, extremely important. To address this issue the Whitley County Extension agent for Family and Consumer Sciences taught Planning Ho
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Transferring Cherished Possessions Series
Author: Whitney Morrow
Major Program: Financial Education - General
Estate planning allows people to control what happens to their possessions after their passing. Without a legally recognized plan in place, the government may dictate how someone’s assets are distributed. While there are numerous informal approaches to estate planning, not all are legally recognized. This may create confusion and spark conflict among families during an already challenging time. To increase consumer knowledge on estate planning and asset distribution, the Carter
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Make Your Money Work
Author: Ashley Board
Major Program: Financial Education - General
In the current economy, financial stability is important. That stability rests with families securing and managing their basic human needs of food, clothing, and shelter. Kentucky consistently lags behind other states in key household economic indicators, including personal income, population living below poverty line, unemployment, and revolving debt. To educate community members about important financial matters such as developing a budget, identifying spending leaks, and setting SM
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Use Less, Spend Less, Stress Less
Author: Tiffany Bolinger
Major Program: Financial Education - General

During the Covid-19 pandemic Extension professionals quickly recognized the financial impacts that individuals and families were facing. University of Kentucky Specialists worked to address these concerns with the “Use Less, Spend Less Challenge.” The challenge combined timely information on financial management with quick tips that individuals and families were “challenged” to implement.As we have transitioned to life post-pandemic, we acknowledge that while we are back
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Managing Holiday Expenses: How to Reduce Spending to Decrease Financial Stress
Author: Jordan Crain
Major Program: Financial Education - General
Holidays are often an exciting time of the year. However, the holidays can also represent added stress due to holiday spending. Many individuals, families and households neglect budgeting for holiday spending. To assist individuals in understanding and responding to financial stress resulting from holiday expenses, the Barren County Extension Office hosted Managing Holiday Expenses: How to Reduce Spending to Decrease Financial Stress financial program. Emphasis was placed on un
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2024 Holiday Road Show Program
Author: Vicki Boggs
Major Program: Financial Education - General

Describe the Issue or Situation The holiday season often brings joy but also financial pressure as families try to balance budgets with gift-giving, decorations, and meals. Many residents expressed the need for affordable, creative ways to celebrate the holidays without overspending. The 2024 Quicksand Area Holiday Road Show brought festive inspiration and practical solutions to 238 participants across eight counties: Wolfe, Perry, Owsley, Letcher, Leslie, Lee, Knott, and Breathit
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Holiday Roadshow 2024
Author: Stacy Trent
Major Program: Financial Education - General
his year, the Quicksand Area Holiday Road Show brought festive inspiration and practical solutions to 238 participants across eight counties: Wolfe, Perry, Owsley, Letcher, Leslie, Lee, Knott, and Breathitt. Led by the collaborative efforts of the Quicksand Area Extension Agents, this annual event focused on providing cost-effective holiday ideas to reduce financial stress while enhancing seasonal celebrations. The holiday season often brings joy but also financial pressure as families try
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Planning Holiday Meals on a Thrifty Budget
Author: Jacqueline Doucet
Major Program: Financial Education - General
Inflation has driven the cost of groceries higher in recent years. According to the USDA Economic Research Outlook (2023), in 2022, food-at-home prices increased by 11.4%, more than three times the 2021 rate. Additionally, food prices are expected to continue rising throughout 2023 and increase by another 8%.These historically high average prices make meal budgeting, especially holiday meals which tend to cost more, extremely important. To address this issue the Boyd County Extension agent for F
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Estate Planning
Author: Lora Pullin
Major Program: Financial Education - General
Regardless of your net worth, estate planning will protect and help ensure that your personal and financial goals are realized after death. Unfortunately, many people fail to properly plan for the transfer of their possessions and property at the time of death. Taking the right steps ahead of time makes it easier for those settling your estate, which saves them time, energy, and money. Developing an estate plan helps ensure your property is distributed according to your wishes, providing your ex
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Fuss Free Holidays series
Author: Abbigale Gray
Major Program: Financial Education - General

The Fuss Free Holidays program series successfully engaged 41 participants across three interactive sessions, providing practical tools and creative ideas to help attendees enjoy a more organized, budget-friendly, and stress-free holiday season.The first session, attended by 10 participants, focused on creating personalized holiday planning journals. These journals empowered participants to stay organized, manage their budgets effectively, and approach holiday planning with confidence. Pictures
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The Holiday Roadshow
Author: Kelsey Sebastian
Major Program: Financial Education - General
This year, the Quicksand Area Holiday Road Show brought festive inspiration and practical solutions to 238 participants across eight counties: Wolfe, Perry, Owsley, Letcher, Leslie, Lee, Knott, and Breathitt. Led by the collaborative efforts of the Quicksand Area Extension Agents, this annual event focused on providing cost-effective holiday ideas to reduce financial stress while enhancing seasonal celebrations. Describe the Issue or Situation The holiday season often brings joy but al
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2024 Holiday Road Show
Author: Nanette Banks
Major Program: Financial Education - General
This year, the Quicksand Area Holiday Road Show brought festive inspiration and practical solutions to 238 participants across eight counties: Wolfe, Perry, Owsley, Letcher, Leslie, Lee, Knott, and Breathitt. Led by the collaborative efforts of the Quicksand Area Extension Agents, this annual event focused on providing cost-effective holiday ideas to reduce financial stress while enhancing seasonal celebrations. Describe the Issue or Situation The holiday season often brings joy but al
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Free Wills Clinic and Heir Property Education
Author: Michelle Brock
Major Program: Financial Education - General
Leslie County Kentucky ranks number one in the nation for Heir's property. Heir's property is land that is owned jointly by multiple descendants of a person who has passed away. This causes major issues because land can not be used or sold. Some property in Leslie County is owned by over 400 heirs. We reached out to property owners who had clear deeds to their property and heirs to property who wanted to get cleared deeds. We had 14 people who took advantage of this opportunity. All
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The Holiday Road Show 2024
Author: Rosa Smith
Major Program: Financial Education - General
This year, the Quicksand Area Holiday Road Show brought festive inspiration and practical solutions to 238 participants across eight counties: Wolfe, Perry, Owsley, Letcher, Leslie, Lee, Knott, and Breathitt. Led by the collaborative efforts of the Quicksand Area Extension Agents, this annual event focused on providing cost-effective holiday ideas to reduce financial stress while enhancing seasonal celebrations.Describe the Issue or Situation The holiday season often brings joy but also financia
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Where Does Your Money Go?
Author: Stephanie Hestand
Major Program: Financial Education - General
The Monroe County Middle School Family Resource Coordinator reached out to the Monroe County Family and Consumer Science Agent requesting the agent to visit and do a financial education program for the parents/guardians of middle school students who were needing help with financing tips and budgeting ideas. With this information being shared to the parents/guardians, the Family Resource Coordinator hopes that they will pass the financial education along to their children.Upon visit, the Monroe C
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Holiday Road Show 2024
Author: Lorie Adams
Major Program: Financial Education - General
This year, the Quicksand Area Holiday Road Show brought festive inspiration and practical solutions to 238 participants across eight counties: Wolfe, Perry, Owsley, Letcher, Leslie, Lee, Knott, and Breathitt. Led by the collaborative efforts of the Quicksand Area Extension Agents, this annual event focused on providing cost-effective holiday ideas to reduce financial stress while enhancing seasonal celebrations. Describe the Issue or Situation The holiday season often brings joy but al
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Leaving Your Legacy: Estate Planning Series
Author: Cabrina Buckman
Major Program: Financial Education - General
Regardless of your net worth, estate planning will protect and help ensure that your personal and financial goals are realized after death. Unfortunately, many people fail to properly plan for the transfer of their possessions and property at the time of death. Taking the right steps ahead of time makes it easier for those settling your estate, which saves them time, energy, and money. Developing an estate plan helps ensure your property is distributed according to your wishes, providing your ex
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Scam Red Flags
Author: Jane Proctor
Major Program: Financial Education - General
Fraud can happen to anyone. According to the U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging 2019 Fraud Book, it is estimated that older Americans lose at least $2.9 billion per year to financial exploitation schemes and scams. Other groups pose estimates that are even higher, and many agree that fraud is underreported. The best way to protect yourself from financial fraud and scams is to be aware of the tactics con artists use and learn to recognize red flags so you can avoid being tricked.To increase c
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