Success Stories By MajorProgram FY2025Jul 1, 2024 - Jun 30, 2025
Heart Healthy Gametime Grilling
Author: Gunnar Psurny
Major Program: Aquaculture
Describe the Issue or Situation.This event highlighted the importance of heart healthy foods that are easy to prepare, shareable, and accessible for community members. As well as the importance of using electric cooking equipment that can be safer, cheaper, and easier to use than traditional gas or charcoal cooking equipment. The feature of this event was the importance of bringing people together, in this case over the love of football which we commonly associate with lots of rich and delicious
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Aquaponics Demonstration Reaches 4000 Students Utilizing a Train the Trainer Model at Two Sites
Author: William Crawford
Major Program: Aquaculture

Extension has adapted to today’s financial realities through a number of strategies, including increased reliance on partnerships. One strategy that expands the reach of an Extension agent and capitalizes on partners is the “train-the-trainer” approach (Laura A. Warner, Amy Harder, Tom Wichman, and Frank Dowdle, and published by the UF Department of Agricultural Education and Communication, September 2014. AEC517/WC170: Increasing Efficiency in Extension Using the Train-the-Tra
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