Success Stories By MajorProgram FY2024Jul 1, 2023 - Jun 30, 2024
Cooking with Homeschool Coop
Author: Kate Thompson
Major Program: Plate It Up! Kentucky Proud
Many kids today consume prepackaged foods which are heavily processed, packed with added sugar, salt, and fat. This can lead to childhood obesity. In Kentucky, 38% of children aged 10-17 are considered overweight or obese (Cabinet of Health and Family Services, 2023). In order to promote healthy nutritious meals, the Campbell County Extension Office taught cooking classes to a local homeschool coop group. Ten 6th-8th grade homeschool students
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2023 Women in Ag
Author: Keller
Major Program: Plate It Up! Kentucky Proud

Women in Agriculture Conference-2023On the average 76 % of all the land in the four river counties is in crop production. Three of the four counties Ballard, Carlisle, and Fulton County have over 33 million in average crop sales. Hickman County sells over 56 million in crop sales. In all four counties, there is an average of 24.75% female farm operators. Our program this year for the Women in Ag Conference was to concentrate on Women’s Leadership in Agriculture-pres
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Savor the Flavor - Spices
Author: Keller
Major Program: Plate It Up! Kentucky Proud
Research shows that people who prepare and cook meals at home are more likely to eat the recommended fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and whole grains needed in a balanced diet. Building skills and cooking knowledge increases the likelihood that people choose to prepare home-cooked meals.To encourage more home-prepared meals, the Hickman County Extension Office hosted the workshop Savor the Flavor: Seasoning with Spices. The Savor the Flavor program focused on cooking with various spices to seaso
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Spring Into Green: Pride of Kentucky
Author: Sarah Drysdale
Major Program: Plate It Up! Kentucky Proud

Spring into Green: Pride of Kentucky was hosted by the Purchase Area Family and Consumer Sciences agents at the McCracken County Extension Office. Speakers at the event discussed topics related to Kentucky resources. Topics discussed focused on local plants, foods, and pollinators. Speakers included Dava Hayden, horticulture instructor and arboretum manager at Murray State University; LaToya Drake, coordinator for the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Nutrition Education Program; and
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Plate It Up Kentucky Proud: Promoting Nutrition and Local Agriculture
Author: LaToya Drake
Major Program: Plate It Up! Kentucky Proud

In Kentucky, promoting local food consumption and enhancing nutrition education are crucial for fostering healthier communities and supporting local farmers. The Plate It Up Kentucky Proud (PIUKP) project addresses the need to increase awareness and consumption of local and seasonal foods. This initiative is a priority for the community as it contributes to better health outcomes, supports the local economy, and strengthens community ties by encouraging residents to buy locally-produced foods.Th
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Spring Into Green: Pride of Kentucky
Author: Kelly Alsip
Major Program: Plate It Up! Kentucky Proud
Title: Spring Into Green: Pride of Kentucky Major Program: (1021), (1031), (2061), or (2066) (program indicators used in eval)Plan of Work: Increase health literacy, community involvementOutcome: InitialSNAP relate - yes (1021), (2061), or (2066) Spring into Green: Pride of Kentucky was hosted by the Purchase Area Family and Consumer Science agents at the McCracken County Extension Office. Speakers at this year’s event discussed topics related to Kentucky. Topics discussed focus
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment