Success Stories By MajorProgram FY2024Jul 1, 2023 - Jun 30, 2024
Juntos Workshop Series
Author: Calyn Colston
Major Program: Economic Development and Workforce Preparation – 4-H Youth Development
In late 2022, Calloway County was identified as having a growing population of Hispanic and Latino youth in comparison to many other counties in the state. So, for that reason, In January of 2023 Calloway County 4-H Youth Development Agent, Calyn Colston, partnered with Murray Independent EL Coordinator, Lourdes Oster, to start the 4-H Juntos Program for Latino youth attending Murray High School. Shortly after, the Director of Instructional Technology, Mechelle Morgan, and Spanish Teacher, Sarah
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“Financial Literacy Reading Program A Success with Youth at Public Library in Hardin County”-October 2023
Author: Chandra DeRamus
Major Program: Economic Development and Workforce Preparation – 4-H Youth Development

“Financial Literacy Reading Program A Success with Youth at Public Library in Hardin County”Over the last year, the economy has changed for areas within Kentucky. Hardin County will see a difference in how a lot of grocery stories and companies raise their prices in order to keep up with inflation. In order to keep up with the transition schools and public community organizations are looking for alternative options to teach the youth about finances and money. The local public library
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Metcalfe County Reality Store
Author: Jacob Hall
Major Program: Economic Development and Workforce Preparation – 4-H Youth Development
The problemThe jump from teenager to adulthood can be scary, especially when there is a limit of education to help kids get ready for the realization of how much everything costs. Many kids may have some realization of how adulthood might go, but few have a total grasp at just how difficult it is to manage money and time.The educational program responseWith the lack of understanding from today's youth on money management, the Reality Store was born. This is a program designed to teach
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Employment 101
Author: Stephen Conrad
Major Program: Economic Development and Workforce Preparation – 4-H Youth Development
With the advent of social media and “network” gaming, teens of today have become used to everything being within easy reach. The concept of preparing, working toward, and attaining a goal is becoming a lost concept to most. To help the students realize a job is just not going to be handed to them and that the job hunting process requires preparation and dedication, The Boone County Cooperative Extension Service provides a program called Employment 101. Studen
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Reality Store
Author: Sue Ann McCandless
Major Program: Economic Development and Workforce Preparation – 4-H Youth Development
Statistics and general public feedback show that many students don’t have the financial knowledge and skills to make healthy financial decisions. Money management and career path development are both important areas that need to be addressed among our youth population so they are better equipped to make healthier financial decisions. Local schools requested the 4-H Reality Store program. The 4-H Reality Store program is a real-life simulation that allows the student to see how their
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Juntos 4-H Graduates 10 Families
Author: Ryan Farley
Major Program: Economic Development and Workforce Preparation – 4-H Youth Development
Many Latino youth in Kentucky face significant educational challenges due to the immigrant and socioeconomic status of their parents. According to the National Research Council's report, “Hispanics and the Future of America,” many Latino children start school without the same social and economic resources as their peers. Inadequate school resources and low trust between students and staff exacerbate these disadvantages. The need to support and build community for these young peop
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Spend Wisely
Author: Daniel Bell
Major Program: Economic Development and Workforce Preparation – 4-H Youth Development
Carlisle County Cooperative Extension 4-H hosted “Reality Store” for Carlisle County 7th graders to increase knowledge and awareness of the importance of budgeting. Seventh graders are only 3-4 years away from earning their learners permit to drive. This age group was identified by Carlisle County schools’ staff as needing vital budgeting and life skills preparedness. Reality store is a program that provides hands on experience in practicing budgeting.
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Reality Store
Author: Logan Sasser
Major Program: Economic Development and Workforce Preparation – 4-H Youth Development
The problem- After meeting with FRYSCs at the beginning of the school year, it was very apparent that they wanted to include programming that would educate our youth on the value of money and the importance of choosing the right path for your future.The educational program response- Perry Co. 4-H collaborated with each 7th grade teacher in the county to provide an instructional lesson on budgeting. Following this budgeting lesson, each student participated in the 4-H Reality Store where they wer
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Juntos 4-H Summer Academy
Author: Isaac Hilpp
Major Program: Economic Development and Workforce Preparation – 4-H Youth Development

Many Latino youth in Kentucky face significant educational challenges due to the immigrant and socioeconomic status of their parents. According to the National Research Council's report, “Hispanics and the Future of America,” many Latino children start school without the same social and economic resources as their peers. Inadequate school resources and low trust between students and staff exacerbate these disadvantages. The need to support and build community for these young peop
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Reality Store
Author: Mary Harless
Major Program: Economic Development and Workforce Preparation – 4-H Youth Development
Many students in our area lack essential financial literacy skills necessary for successful money management in the future. Most are uncertain about their career paths, and even those who have an idea often lack clarity on the steps required or the financial implications involved in their chosen professions. Recognizing this need, local middle schools approached Johnson County 4-H Youth Development to reinstate an in-person Reality Store event aimed at addressing these challenges.The Johnson Cou
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