Success Stories By MajorProgram FY2024Jul 1, 2023 - Jun 30, 2024
Promoting Local Agriculture with Farm to Fork Dinner
Author: Whitney Carman
Major Program: Policy, Systems, and Environmental Changes
The local food movement is a constant pillar of growth in the Grayson County agriculture community. In 2022 alone, the Farmer’s Market grossed $20,000 and that did not include those local farmers who sold by farm stand or direct to consumer. Due to the rise in discussion of the local food systems, the Grayson County Extension Council voted to host a Farm to Fork Dinner. The KY Proud Farm to Fork program was designed to increase awar
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Pop-Up Farmer's Markets
Author: M. Elizabeth Coots
Major Program: Policy, Systems, and Environmental Changes
In most counties, farmer’s markets are located in the same location during certain days, and Shelby County is no different. There are a few farmer’s markets open one day a week in specific locations. To reach underserved communities in the county, the Shelby County Extension Agent for Family & Consumer Sciences partnered with the Shelby County Health Department to host a trial run of a monthly pop-up farmer’s market. The markets were held in July, A
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Savor the Flavor/ Dining with Diabetes: Fit and Flavor Edition
Author: Maranda Brooks
Major Program: Policy, Systems, and Environmental Changes

Research shows that people who prepare and cook meals at home are more likely to eat the recommended fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and whole grains needed in a balanced diet. Building skills and cooking knowledge increases the likelihood that people choose to prepare homecooked meals. To encourage more home-prepared meals, the Fayette County Extension Office presented the Savor the Flavor series to their community participants. The Savor the Flavor program focused on various types of cook
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Improving nutrition and physical activity for children attending child care in Kentucky
Author: Courtney Luecking
Major Program: Policy, Systems, and Environmental Changes
Nutrition and physical activity during early childhood (birth to age five) have a critical influence on growth, development, and health. However, children are not meeting national recommendations for nutrition and physical activity. In Kentucky, more than 160,000 children attend early childhood education settings. Recent activity indicates the priority of improving nutrition and physical activity for young children in Kentucky. In fall 2021, the Division of Chi
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment