Success Stories By MajorProgram FY2024Jul 1, 2023 - Jun 30, 2024
Citizen Science Project
Author: Amanda Sears
Major Program: Pest ID
The spongy moth (formerly called gypsy moth) is among North America's most destructive invasive forest pests. Infestations have caused significant agricultural, ecological, and economical losses. In the eastern U.S., this pest defoliates an average of 700,000 acres each year and causes more than $200 million in annual damages.Spongy moths are not established in Kentucky, but are in the surrounding states of Virginia, West Virginia, Ohio, and Indiana. The Kentucky Office of the Stat
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Invasion of Imported Fire Ants
Author: Michelle Brock
Major Program: Pest ID

Recently the Office of the State Entomologist reached out to the Bell County ANR Agent regarding invasive, Imported Fire Ants being found in the county. Two mounds were identified in Middlesboro and successfully treated. According to the UK Department of Entomology, Imported Fire Ants (IFA) have been spreading into Kentucky since 2000. The Land Between the Lakes area has had isolated incidences of fire ants. In 2022, IFA was found in southern Kentucky, specifically McCreary, Whitley, and Kn
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Organic Pest Control
Author: Michelle Brock
Major Program: Pest ID
A gardener found that his potato plants were covered on bugs which were devouring the leaves. The pest was identified by the ANR Agent as a Colorado Potato Beetle. Upon the ANR Agent's initial visit it was estimated that around 80% of his potato plants were infested. The gardener automatically started to ask about different pesticides to use to defeat the potato eating pests. The ANR agent discussed the various pesticides but suggested trying organic methods. The ANR Agent explained how
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4H Entomology Club
Author: Emma Lee
Major Program: Pest ID
In February 2024, I started a 4H Entomology club to help youth learn more about insects. I taught a few insect classes in 2023, specifically one at 4H Day Camp, and the youth were very interested. They had never had the opportunity to learn specifically about insects and the response was amazing. I decided to start an Entomology Club for 4H in February and it just wrapped up in June, in time for State Fair Entries. Throughout the past couple of months, participants learned the basics about insec
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment