Success Stories By MajorProgram FY2024Jul 1, 2023 - Jun 30, 2024
Organizing Tips for Increased Productivity
Author: Denise Wooley
Major Program: FCS Employment Skills
Productivity allows you to make progress on and complete necessary tasks. However, many people are not as productive as they would like to be. To be productive you must be intentional with your time and space. This can be hard to do if your spaces are cluttered or disorganized, or if you lack routines at home or work. Organizing your time and workspace not only improves productivity, but it can enhance your overall well-being while decreasing stress levels.To enhance productivity skills within t
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Time Well Spent Leads to Understanding of Behaviors Behind Procrastination
Author: Rebecca Woodall
Major Program: FCS Employment Skills
Many of us may recognize that we often procrastinate but cannot identify the reasons behind our behavior. Often these behaviors can hinder employability Time well spent addresses the reasons we procrastinate and helps clients develop strategies to combat procrastination and increase productivity. I offered Time well Spent :Productivity vs Procrastination as a Community Christmas Class. Community Christmas Classes are a requirement for families who receive Christmas help from t
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Time Well Spent | Productivity Skills for Success
Author: Natalie Taul
Major Program: FCS Employment Skills
Productivity allows us to make progress on and complete necessary tasks. However, due to time constraints, competing responsibilities, stressors, and personal tendencies such as procrastination, we often are not as productive as we would like to be. To enhance productivity skills within the local community and assist individuals in learning strategies to maximize their time and output, especially in the workplace, the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service developed the Time Well S
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Community Christmas Requirement Leads to Better Understanding of soft skills
Author: Rebecca Woodall
Major Program: FCS Employment Skills
The problem Each year, Crittenden County community partners demonstrate their unwavering commitment by providing Christmas for the children of around 65 families who cannot afford to purchase gifts for their children. To receive Christmas for the children, parents must participate in three classes throughout the year. Whenever the program was originally started, it was meant to be a shorter program for families who found themselves in crisis. However, many of the same families need t
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