Success Stories By MajorProgram FY2023Jul 1, 2022 - Jun 30, 2023
Saving Savvy with Digital Coupons
Author: Dylan Gentry
Major Program: Financial Education - General
A recent survey by Deloitte found that $0.56 of every dollar spent in a store is influenced by a digital interaction. This growing trend is shaping how consumers shop and make decisions both in-store and beforehand. There are hundreds of grocery apps available that offer help with a wide range of shopping-related services and functions. Grocery apps can help save time and money through lists and meal planning, comparison shopping, coupons, store loyalty, and rebates. To increase consu
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Improving Financial Literacy
Author: Gregory Drake
Major Program: Financial Education - General
Developing financial literacy skills is an issue that is regularly identified by both county and extension leadership. Residents of the Christian Recovery Center (KCR) (alcohol and drug rehab center) were identified as an audience extension could work with to improve financial literacy. Nutrition educators from the Butler County extension staff worked with residents and staff at KCR to identify the areas of greatest need. The “Reality Check” program was developed b
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FCS education makes for successful employees
Author: Leslie Workman
Major Program: Financial Education - General
(This success story is a place-holder. Awaiting data from campus)The Pike County FCS program has used the Time Well Spent curriculum to educate over 40 new employees with Pikeville Medical Center's new employee training education program. Employees receive all 4 curriculum sessions in one intensive training as part of their 8-12 week onboarding program requirements. The New Employee Training Director and County Extension Agent for FCS met to discuss what new employees were most lacking in sk
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Financial Wellness Workshops
Author: Nan Montgomery
Major Program: Financial Education - General
According to the United States Census Bureau, 16.3% of Ohio County, Kentucky residents live in poverty. Research indicates that people who set goals are more financially successful. The Ohio County Family and Consumer Sciences Extension Agent collaborated with the Ohio County Library and WellCare to offer financial wellness series. The workshops focused on stretching food dollars, Meal planning, financial spending leaks, creating a family budgeting and financial goal setting to strengthen
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Making the Most of Meals While Traveling - Travel Savvy with KEHA
Author: Brooke Hogancamp
Major Program: Financial Education - General

Several resources are available that help consumers save money on transportation, lodging, and activities when planning for their next travel adventure. However, little information and resources are available for consumers related to saving money on meals, snacks, and drinks while traveling. Research estimates that people spend 25% of their travel budgets on food. Interestingly, effective strategies for reducing food costs while traveling may also result in more balanced and nutritious food and
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A bad deal in disguise: Types of Scams
Author: Katherine Alexander
Major Program: Financial Education - General
Scammers may try to trick us by appearing in disguise. This makes it difficult to know when something is “too good to be true.” The Federal Trade Commission received 2.9 million fraud reports in 2021. Of those reports, about a quarter of them resulted in a loss, equaling a total of $6.1 billion. The best way to avoid joining those statistics is to learn more about different types of scams to avoid falling victim. To increase consumer knowledge on scam and fraud prevention, the D
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Estate Planning 101: Get Prepared
Author: Irma Johnson
Major Program: Financial Education - General
Sixty-one percent of Americans don’t have a last will and testament and over seventy-seven percent of African Americans say they don’t have a will or completed any estate planning tasks. According to Consumer Reports, the most popular reason is the assumption that they don’t have enough assets (25%), they’re not sure how to create one (20%), they want their next of kin to automatically receive everything (9%), they think they’re too young (23%), or they just d
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Food and Finances in the Face of Disaster
Author: Jill Harris
Major Program: Financial Education - General
The most common types of disasters in Kentucky are caused by water, wind, ice, or fire. With Kentucky experiencing two major natural disasters recently, the tornado outbreak in Western Kentucky in December of 2021 and the flooding in Eastern Kentucky in July of 2022, disaster preparedness comes to mind. The Todd County Extension Agent for Family & Consumer Sciences was contacted by a local church to teach a disaster education class for members of their congregation. Twenty-
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Charcuterie Board Workshop
Author: Sarah Congleton
Major Program: Financial Education - General

Using Charcuterie Boards as a type of food service has seen a rise in interest and popular culture. Although this method of food service has been around for many years, the current trend has switched it up to be all in compassing of different types of foods and different types of serving vessels. Always wanting to be current and informative, the Montgomery County Family and Consumer Sciences Extension Agent hosted an in-person Charcuterie Boards Program partnered with a local business, Just Graz
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Just Say No to Scams
Author: Chris Ammerman
Major Program: Financial Education - General
The industry of separating hard earned income from a naïve population moves 5.8 billion dollars annually. Anyone with a telephone number receives a constant daily barrage of attempts to gain access to personal information, to hold electronic devices for ransom, or to deceive individuals into embarrassing situations and extorting money from them. The Grant County Chamber of Commerce, Forcht Bank, Federal Bureau of Investigations, Family and Consumer Science (FCS) agent, Asa Conkw
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Protecting Assets from Scammers by Building Awareness
Author: Asa Conkwright
Major Program: Financial Education - General
The industry of separating hard earned income from a naïve population moves 5.8 billion dollars, reported by the Federal Trade Commission, annually. Anyone with a telephone number receives a daily constant barrage of attempts to gain access to personal information, to hold electronic devices for ransom, or to deceive individuals into embarrassing situations and extorting money from them. This program was not only offered to Grant Countians, but also marketed to the Kentucky Extension
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Estate Planning Workshop
Author: Clinton Hardy
Major Program: Financial Education - General
Estate planning is a critical need of clientele in our area but after losing two mid-career farmers in the last 12 months, the importance was reinforced by challenges their families encountered with distribution of assets and continuation of their farm businesses upon their passing. In an effort to emphasize the need to revisit or initiate an estate planning process and estate planning seminar series was conducted in December. An extension specialist and local expertise were invited
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Land Values and Leasing
Author: David Appelman
Major Program: Financial Education - General
For many years, a land owner and widow in Bracken County leased her land to a family friend. This lease was a handshake deal with no explanation of the values placed on the land or what it would be used for. So after many years it was time for a change.The Bracken County Extension Service was approached to come up with a plan to guide the family through the lease process with guidelines to seek out a qualified producer that would care for their land and potentially serve as a long te
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Protecting Your Finances: Beware of Scams
Author: Linda Brown-Price
Major Program: Financial Education - General

Working in collaboration with AARP Lexington Chapter and the Better Business Bureau on a session On Protecting your Finances: Beware of Scams at Kentucky State Third Thursday event aimed at small farmers. Information was shared on programs that target seniors giving advice on how to protect their finances from gaining access to bank accounts using fraudulent tactics, such as emails, phone calls, and letters which are aimed at seniors. Another discussion was held on door to doo
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Transferring Cherished Possessions Leader Lesson
Author: Maranda Brooks
Major Program: Financial Education - General

FCS agent presented Transferring Cherished Posessions Leader Lesson on February 28th, 2023. Estate planning can be a complicated process, especially when considering how to transfer personal property to peole who will want and care for it after ones death. FCS agent goal for this program were to have attendees understand what is in your estate, discuss estate planning considerations, and document ones wishes for their estate. Program resulted in an attendance of 13. 25% of those attending from t
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Basic Budgeting
Author: Katherine Alexander
Major Program: Financial Education - General
The local hospital wellness coordinator reached out to the Daviess County Family and Consumer Sciences Extension Agent to do a Basic Budgeting program. It was a need she noticed from the employees that wanted a very basic budgeting program, not information on investments and IRA etc.… so after discussing the needs for the program, the Daviess County Family and Consumer Sciences Extension Agent taught Basic Budgeting, including a Money Habitudes activity, to twenty-eight employees during t
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Estate Planning
Author: Denise Wooley
Major Program: Financial Education - General

Estate planning can save time, money, and stress for grieving family members upon death. Making an estate plan helps ensure wishes are carried out the way you want, and in a timely manner. Estate planning is not just for the wealthy or aged. It involves arranging for the use and disposal of your resources and property after your death. It can be a valuable tool for you and your loved ones.Yet only about 33% of Americans have put these plans in place, according to a new survey from senior li
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Money Habitudes
Author: Kelsee Dewees
Major Program: Financial Education - General
Many financial education programs focus on budgeting and money managing skills. These skills do not highlight the money personality profile that can help people understand their relationships with money. Often budgeting and money management becomes stressful and unenjoyable for many. During the month of February, the Knox County Family and Consumer Science Agent offered, Money Habitudes to three groups that deal with stress management and parenting groups. The Money Habi
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It's Your Reality
Author: Maelyn Dotson
Major Program: Financial Education - General

Every spring, all 8th graders in Lawrence County participate in the 4-H “It’s Your Reality” program. This program is incorporated in the “Bridge Day” program, which was created for the purpose of bringing 8th grade students from all middle schools in the county to meet and build friendships before coming together as one freshman class at Lawrence County High School.Youth are not getting the financial education which they will need for adulthood. According to the 200
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Time Well Spent | Productivity Skills for Success
Author: Natalie Taul
Major Program: Financial Education - General
Productivity allows us to make progress on and complete necessary tasks. However, due to time constraints, competing responsibilities, stressors, and personal tendencies such as procrastination, we often are not as productive as we would like to be. To enhance productivity skills within the local community and assist individuals in learning strategies to maximize their time and output, especially in the workplace, the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service developed the Time Well S
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Financial Management
Author: Brenda Cockerham
Major Program: Financial Education - General
Financial Management is a significant concern as families continue to struggle to make ends meet and stabilize their incomes through turbulent times. In response to these ongoing concerns, FCS provided the opportunity for the public to participate in a six part series featuring a variety of skill building curricula targeting money management.The curriculum "Making your Money Work" was the anchor used for the basic topics of each session, but Money Habitudes, The Credit Game, Power
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Money Habitudes Online
Author: Tiffany Bolinger
Major Program: Financial Education - General
Financial education programs often highlight financial literacy skills such as budgeting and managing credit card debt; however, these skills do not tap into the emotional and practical issues that cause people to react irrationally with money. Financial decisions are most often motivated by emotional need as opposed to logical knowledge. To address this concern, the Christian County Cooperative Extension Service utilized the Money Habitudes program to emphasize the importance of developing a he
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Eldercare and Scams
Author: Jennifer Bridge
Major Program: Financial Education - General
Caregivers and the elderly are often unaware of resources and challenges they may face with later or end of life decisions. Many extension homemaker members have faced similar challenges with aging parents or family members and worked with the extension family and consumer sciences agent to organize a series of programs focused in this area. To bring awareness and accurate educational information to this demographic, two classes were offered in this area The first session featured an elde
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Planning for End of Life
Author: Diane Mason
Major Program: Financial Education - General
Discussing end-of-life wishes and plans can be uncomfortable, but important. According to LegalZoom ( only about 33 percent of Americans have created estate planning documents. Additionally, more than half (52 percent) of Americans don’t know where their parents important documents are located. Understanding general money management information including transfer or payable on death, beneficiary designation, and how insurance policies work is important for individuals of
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Life Skills and Money Habitudes
Author: Kelsey Sebastian
Major Program: Financial Education - General
In todays technology filled world simple life skills like check writing and balancing a checkbook aren't taught in schools anymore. Even most financial education programs often highlight financial literacy skills such as budgeting and managing credit card debt; however, these skills do not tap into the emotional and practical issues that cause people to react irrationally with money. Financial decisions are most often motivated by emotional need as opposed to logical knowledge. To address th
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Fraud Awareness Education
Author: Patrick Hardesty
Major Program: Financial Education - General
Because Americans lose billions of dollars to fraud, the Taylor County Extension Council charged the Extension Agents with conducting a Fraud Awareness educational activity. A representative from the FBI Fraud Task Force presented to approximately 90 people the most common types of fraud tactics, red flags, how to protect themselves and how to report fraud. According to the show of hands, approximately 15% of participants had been scammed. Several commented on how helpful and inf
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Transferring Cherished Possessions: Estate Planning for Non-Titled Property
Author: Nichole Huff
Major Program: Financial Education - General
Research suggests that more than 50% of Americans think estate planning is important, but only 33% have a will. For the nearly 70% of Americans without a written will, many indicate they do not believe they have enough assets to leave behind anything of worth. Even when formal estate plans are in place for titled property such as houses, land, or insurance policies, often overlooked is the non-titled property that makes up the bulk of a person’s estate. From clutter to cherished possession
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Time Well Spent: Productivity Skills for Success - Year 1
Author: Nichole Huff
Major Program: Financial Education - General
The work-life balance of Americans was upended during the COVID-19 pandemic. According to a 2023 Pew Research Center study, 35% of employees are still working from home — five times the amount pre-pandemic. Additionally, research estimates the average workday is up from 8 hours to 9.2 hours, with the line between home and work more blurred than ever. The result? Employee burnout and “the great resignation.” To increase consumer knowledge on time management, personal
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Kentucky Saves Week 2023
Author: Kelly May
Major Program: Financial Education - General

Kentucky Saves is led by the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service as part of the national America Saves campaign. The initiative, which culminates during Kentucky Saves Week the last week of February, encourages individuals and families to save money and build personal wealth.Research suggests that those who write down their goals are 42% more likely to achieve them. The Kentucky Saves Pledge is a tool to help consumers visualize their goals by writing down what they are saving f
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Protect Your Life from Scams and Frauds Educational Curriculum
Author: Kelly May
Major Program: Financial Education - General
Federal sources of fraud reporting show that fraud can happen to anyone. Sharing fraud prevention resources could help reduce the likelihood of victimization and increase reporting. A new three-unit Kentucky FCS Extension curriculum entitled “Protect Your Life from Scams and Frauds” has a goal of raising fraud awareness in order to reduce the likelihood that participants will fall victim. The curriculum includes three units: 1) Scam Red Flags and Avoiding Fraud; 2) Reducing the Risk
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