Success Stories By MajorProgram FY2023Jul 1, 2022 - Jun 30, 2023
Renting vs Buying: Be Prepared Get Pre-Approved
Author: Irma Johnson
Major Program: Community Engagement
This workshop was designed to assist potential homebuyers navigate the volatile real estate market and determine whether now is the right time to buy a home or if it’s best to rent for a while. Being a first-time home buyer is both exciting and scary. According to the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the average home price rose from $250, 000 to more than $350,000 in 2021. The National Association of Realtors warns that available homes often disappear off the market in
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Engaging Students and Improving Neighborhoods
Author: Daniel Kahl
Major Program: Community Engagement
In June of 2022, working under a USDA NIFA grant funded project through CEDIK, UK faculty Dan Kahl and instructor Ryan Sandwick brought seven students to Chattanooga, Tennessee to engage on a neighborhood improvement planning project. Working with community partners, the team created a Public Realm Master Plan for the Orchard Knob neighborhood in Chattanooga. This master plan was based on established neighborhood priorities, and is the product of two intense weeks of student work. The draf
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Telling Our Story
Author: Edith Lovett
Major Program: Community Engagement
Each of us have heard the saying that “Extension Is the unknown service in our counties.” In Pulaski County 10,760 people got to view articles submitted by Extension Agents at the Pulaski County Fair. Not only did they get to review items submitted by clients in each agent’s department, but they also received information about programs available at the Pulaski County Extension Office. &n
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Healthfair and Readifest
Author: Elizabeth Maxedon
Major Program: Community Engagement
Healthfair and Readifest The 2022, Healthfair/Readifest was a collaborative program planned by the Spencer County Cooperative Extension Service and the Family Resource/Youth Service Center. There were several other groups who helped sponsor the event with monetary and time donations. Churches and other local businesses also donated school supplies. For the past 2 years, the program has been a walk through outdoor event. The goal of this program is to help improve the community’s
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Community Celebration
Author: Sarah Imbus
Major Program: Community Engagement
Over the past 6 years, Campbell County Cooperative Extension, has hosted their annual family friendly event: Community Celebration to help market and increase awareness to local residents and the surrounding communities about The Cooperative Extension Service. Across Kentucky, Extension continues to be the “best kept secret”. In effort to build awareness about Extension and the research based information for communities, Campbell County Extension for th
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Community Celebration
Author: Sherri Farley
Major Program: Community Engagement
Over the past 6 years, Campbell County Cooperative Extension, has hosted their annual family friendly event: Community Celebration to help market and increase awareness to local residents and the surrounding communities about The Cooperative Extension Service. Across Kentucky, Extension continues to be the “best kept secret”. In effort to build awareness about Extension and the research based information for communities, Campbell County Extension for the first time in two
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Master Roasters...Who Knew!?
Author: Britney Poe
Major Program: Community Engagement

Robertson County is known for lots of things but intriguing, interesting and out of the box hobbies usually isn't one of them. I was fortunate enough to meet with some part-time Robertson County residents while setting up at the local farmer's market. This husband and wife were retirees who lived part of the year here and part of the year in Florida. During our conversation they informed me about their favorite past-time... Coffee. I was intrigued and had no idea they were even her
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Franklin County Club Fair
Author: Austin Brewer
Major Program: Community Engagement
Club Fair 2022-2023 Success Story In the last two years, several Franklin County 4-H clubs that were traditionally well-attended have come to a halt due to the COVID-19 Pandemic and low attendance. The only clubs that have remained are the Country Ham Project, Teen Leadership, Clover Buds, Shooting Sports, and Cooking Club. Franklin County 4-H agents Austin Brewer and MacKenzie Preece made a goal to revive programs such as Livestock, Sewing, Horse, and Dog Club. The 2022 Franklin County 4-H
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Sigmon Farmers Feast
Author: Victor Williams
Major Program: Community Engagement
Food insecurity describes a household’s inability to supply enough food for each member to live an active, healthy life. In Eastern Kentucky, one out of every six individuals are unsure where their next meal will come from, and Laurel County has a 16.4% insecurity rate in the entire county. The God’s Pantry Food Bank serves over 50 counties in Central and Eastern Kentucky. Through the donations that are made to the pantry, meals are supplied to families who have food inse
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Back to 4-H Bash
Author: Ella Fourqurean
Major Program: Community Engagement

In 2021, Henderson County 4-H Council made it a goal to have more community involvement with the thought of having more families becoming aware of the programs that Henderson County 4-H offers. The first opportunity the 4-H Council hosted was a "Back to 4-H Bash". We utilized the fairgrounds to host the event with plenty of space to spread out. The entire event last two hours. We rented a bounce castle and obstacle course for the kids. Each club or program involved in 4-H had a booth w
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Pre-retirement events
Author: Douglas Shepherd
Major Program: Community Engagement
Was provided several opportunities to highlight Extension and the various programs conducted the past thirty nine years by several different local and statewide groups prior to my retirement.- E'town AM Rotary Club - changes in agriculture- HCETV interview and also taping of retirement reception- WQXE radio interview- Kentucky Association of County Judges annual meeting - highlighting Extension, importance of district boards and our new facility financed through KACo- Judge/Executive Harry B
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Candyland Holiday Program
Author: Trever Cole
Major Program: Community Engagement
With the help of the entire office, a holiday program was put together with and Candyland and Santa's workshop theme. The Program held several crafts, cookies, and hot chocolate provided by several community members and organizations. Some of these included Buffalo Trace Health Department, Comprehend, Maysville Library, Tom Browning Boys and Girls Club, and Mason County Homemakers clubs. Along with the crafts we provided popcorn donated by Rural King and cotton candy. As families left we off
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Community Celebration
Author: Kellsey Agnew
Major Program: Community Engagement
Over the past 6 years, Campbell County Cooperative Extension has hosted its annual family-friendly event: Community Celebration to help market and increase awareness among residents and the surrounding communities about The Cooperative Extension Service. Across Kentucky, Extension continues to be the “best kept secret.” In effort to build awareness about Extension and the research-based information for communities, Campbell County Extension held the event at the Campbell C
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Homemakers Continue to Support Ovarian Cancer Screening Program
Author: Roger "Darrell" Simpson
Major Program: Community Engagement
Ovarian Cancer ranks fifth in cancer deaths among women according to the American Cancer Society. A woman has a one in seventy eight chance of getting ovarian cancer during her lifetime also according to the American Cancer Society. The UK Markey Cancer Center Ovarian Cancer Screening program has been in existence since 1987 and has been and is currently working to combat this “silent killer.” The screening program provides free annual sonographic screenings to women across Kentucky
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4-H Back to School Bash
Author: Alexandria Brasher
Major Program: Community Engagement

In 2021, Henderson County 4-H Council made it a goal to have more community involvement with the thought of having more families becoming aware of the programs that Henderson County 4-H offers. The first opportunity the 4-H Council hosted was a "Back to 4-H Bash". We utilized the fairgrounds to host the event with plenty of space to spread out. The entire event last two hours. We rented a bounce castle and obstacle course for the kids. Each club or program involved in 4-H had a booth w
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Marketing Extension
Author: Owen Prim
Major Program: Community Engagement

A successful team effort in marketing extension in Campbell County has been our Community Celebration- Open House. This event helps increase awareness among residents and the surrounding communities about The University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service. Across Kentucky, Extension continues to be the “best kept secret”. In an effort to build awareness about extension and the research-based information and activities that are available, The Campbell County Co
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Collaborative Effort Results in Tornado Debri Removal from Waterways
Author: Roger "Darrell" Simpson
Major Program: Community Engagement

The effects of natural disasters can be seen for many years and can cause problems for many years if corrective actions are not taken. Soon after the December 10, 2021 tornado, this agent worked with the Muhlenberg County Property Valuation Administrator to determine the extent of debris in the Pond River. The company that the Property Valuation Administration office utilizes to collect county aerial imagery had flown the county on December 12, 2021 thus allowing for up to date imagery. That ima
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Extension Fall Festival
Author: Madalyn Hale
Major Program: Community Engagement
"Extension is the best kept secret" is a phrase every extension employee has heard at one point in time. Clark County Extension decided to try and spread the news about all of the wonderful services extension offers and hopefully reach new people thru a Fall Fest event. This event was free and open to everyone of all ages. Many steps were made in advertising this event including articles in the local newspaper and shows on local radio. Many activities were offered from fish casting com
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"Is There A Reason To Be Concerned With What’s In My Soil"?
Author: Phillip Long
Major Program: Community Engagement
Since we use these stories as a resource for multiple requests, don’t restrict Success Stories only to traditional Extension appointments and activities. Any accomplishments and efforts that are noteworthy may be included.Many gardeners as well as non-gardeners have the perception that the soil they garden in and allow their children to have access to is safe and free of toxic contaminants. Even some horticulturists are reluctant to accept the fact that many residential and commercial
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Kentucky State University College of Agriculture, Community, and the Sciences – Open House Ag-STEM Day Community Outreach Event (Impact/Success Story)
Author: Ken Thompson
Major Program: Community Engagement
The goal of this Open House agriculture science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (ag-STEM) Day Community Outreach Event was to provide an avenue for Kentucky State University (KSU) to reach out, collaborate with, and build a pipeline with community members in the region. Another goal was to increase their awareness of the importance of agriculture and the role agriculture products play in their daily lives. Hence, demonstrations and hands-on activities at the Harold R. Benson
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Living wills and powers of attorney
Author: Kimberly Harriford
Major Program: Community Engagement
The city of Bowling Green, KY ensured that residents were provided and informed on important life planning processes. The living wills and powers of attorney clinic event was held at the Warren County Public Library downtown branch and sponsored by the Kentucky Legal Aid organization. The Kentucky State University, Cooperative Extension Service, West Regional Center assisted with the clinic held on May 4, 2023, at the Warren County Public Library downtown branch. The Ke
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Youth Window Display Workshop
Author: Mercedes Maness
Major Program: Community Engagement
The Winchester Design Studio partnered with Clark County Schools to host a Window Design Workshop for youth in the community. Funding for the 2 day workshop was provided by Clark County’s GEER (Governor’s Emergency Education Relief Fund). Participants learned about the elements of design, the importance of small businesses in a entrepreneurial ecosystem, then took a downtown walking tour and learned from local business owners on Main Street the importance of window displays and how t
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2nd Annual Community Resource Fair
Author: Natalie Taul
Major Program: Community Engagement

Poverty is one of the many barriers individuals and families face in Grayson County. And along with poverty, many other barriers keep people from getting, or even seeking, the help they need. With this information in mind and based on the experiences of several community partners, a group of people came together to form Grayson County Thrive, formerly known as the GC Poverty Coalition.The mission of this group is to promote awareness of the various resources available in our community and help r
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Sharing Our Story
Author: Krista Perry
Major Program: Community Engagement
With the Henry County Extension Office fully staffed, the goal this past year was to Share our Story! The Extension Staff participated in numerous community events to share the mission of the Cooperative Extension Service. Each community event was unique as the Henry County Extension Office Staff participated in each activity sharing upcoming events and programs. The first community event the Henry County Staff participated in was the pig wrestling challenge at the County Fair.
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Author: Tara Duty
Major Program: Community Engagement
Mercer County has the longest running fair and horse show in the nation and after my first year of working floral hall I noticed that many of the same items were being entered and many divisons went with little to no entires. After seeing the amount of time and energy our volunteers put into our fair and horse show I wanted to implement a program that would expand our floral hall entries into those divisions that were going unentered. After taking inventory of the divisions that had been en
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Crafts & Crumbs turns Business Venture
Author: Britney Poe
Major Program: Community Engagement
Crafts & Crumbs is a monthly craft class offered to community members. The class always has a "crumbs" component whether it be a Plate it Up recipe of something from Plan, Eat, Move. In June the Crafts & Crumbs class was one for rolled tulle wreaths. One of the participants took what she learned in the class one step further and decided to start her own business. The class that cost her $30.00 for the cost of materials has helped her to earn over $300.00 profit to date. Offerin
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More Vacant Lots in Louisville Become Available for Purchase or Lease
Author: Phillip Long
Major Program: Community Engagement
Since we use these stories as a resource for multiple requests, don’t restrict Success Stories only to traditional Extension appointments and activities. Any accomplishments and efforts that are noteworthy may be included.The problemSince 2019, the ag agent in Jefferson County has been involved in an Urban Extension Institute project involving the Louisville Metro Landbank Authority Vacant and Abandoned lots in west and south Louisville neighborhoods. Over 350 vacant lots (without str
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