Success Stories By MajorProgram FY2023Jul 1, 2022 - Jun 30, 2023
Digital Marketing of Farm Tour Proves Successful
Author: Daniel Allen
Major Program: Agritourism Planning
Digital Marketing of Farm Tour Proves SuccessfulAccording to University of Florida research, farm tours give the public the opportunity to not only see where their products originated, but also how they were produced and what farming techniques are actually used. The 12th Annual Kenton County Farm tour was held Saturday, September 17, 2022. This tour included ten hosting sites that offered a variety of agriculture or horticulture experiences. In addition to the ten stops there were 11 local craf
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12th Annual Tour of Eastern KY
Author: Laura Maggard
Major Program: Agritourism Planning

For the past 12 years, the last weekend in September is when everyone gets out in the country, shops local, visits local farms, businesses, churches and spends the weekend enjoying the annual Heritage Harvest Tour. The Lawrence County ANR Extension Agent collaborated with local farmers, business owners and churches to plan a self guided tour through Eastern Appalachia. The tour takes you back into time and shows you how life was many years ago. Tour goers see antique farm equipment, a spinning w
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Agritourism Special Event
Author: Andy Mills
Major Program: Agritourism Planning
The problemFor years now people in urban areas have been traveling through the country seeing agriculture throughout farm land and even visiting agritourism farms. In most cases people can see traditional farming just a few miles down the road which may not stimulate agriculture awareness as it’s needed. This ANR agent lobbied 5 years ago to bring a national competition to Meade County where giant fruit and vegetables are weighed for competition. This weigh off of giants now stimulates the
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment