Success Stories By MajorProgram FY2023Jul 1, 2022 - Jun 30, 2023
Homemaker Quilts Helping Eastern Kentucky
Author: Ronda Rex
Major Program: Community Vitality and Leadership -FCS

July 2022 brought torrential rain to counties in Eastern Kentucky resulting in flooding. The devastation left people without homes and their personal items needed to maneuver daily living. Items that most people take for granted. The Gallatin County Fun Time Quilters/Homemakers, the Family & Consumer Sciences (FCS) Agent, Ronda Rex and Lora Stewart, the 4-H Agent put their heads together to try to lend a helping hand. They knew that the people in the counties hit hard
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Providing Beds to Those in Need
Author: Nancy Doyle
Major Program: Community Vitality and Leadership -FCS
It was discovered at a community health fair that there were children in Simpson County that did not have a bed to sleep in. Through collaboration of the Simpson County Extension Office, the Franklin-Simpson Leadership Alumni, Simpson County Schools Youth Service Center and the local high school shop class Build A Bed Project was founded in 2017. Because of Covid 19 and an FCS Vacancy, this project was at a standstill until January 2023. In January, the Simpson County FCS Exte
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Peony Festival 5K Fun Run/Walk
Author: Ronda Rex
Major Program: Community Vitality and Leadership -FCS

The problem: According to the Education Data Initiative, “the average cost of college in the United States is $35,551 per student per year, including books, supplies, and daily living expenses. The average cost of college has more than doubled in the 21st century, with an annual growth rate of 7.1%. The average in-state student attending a public 4-year institution spends $25,707 for one academic year. The average cost of in-state tuition alone is $9,377; out-o
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Teen Leadership Clinton County
Author: Christy Stearns
Major Program: Community Vitality and Leadership -FCS
2019 Kentucky Extension Community Assessment results for Clinton County indicated the following prioritized issues in community vitality: more qualified leaders to prepare community for the future, more youth community leadership opportunities, and more citizens helping solve local issues. To address this need, a Teen Leadership Clinton County Program was developed and implemented by the Family and Consumer Sciences Agent in partnership with the 21st Century Community Learning Coordinator. Eleve
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FCS Leadership
Author: Deborah Shepherd
Major Program: Community Vitality and Leadership -FCS
Strong leadership skills are important for a vital Extension Homemaker and Family & Consumer Sciences Extension program. These learned leadership skills also benefit other community organizations in which members participate. Extension Homemakers reported difficulties in recruiting new officers, maintaining membership interest in club activities and membership recruitment. They had also reported still feeling a lack of connection since covid-19. Our Adventures Await
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Reliable, Reserach-based information on Demand
Author: Melinda McCulley
Major Program: Community Vitality and Leadership -FCS
Enhancing community vitality is a core goal for Family and Consumer Sciences Extension. Improving the lives of consumers and giving them effective ways to help themselves, means that our work is integral to healthy communities. During FY23 Family and Consumer Sciences Extension continued to maintain community engagement of our clientele to ensure that they were informed and active members who were contributing to their own well-being. Through interactive, online programming eff
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