Success Stories By MajorProgram FY2023Jul 1, 2022 - Jun 30, 2023
4-H 21st Century Cooking Club
Author: Lisa Jones
Major Program: Cook Together, Eat Together

Whitley County works with 21st Century Clubs at various schools. We began a healthy eating adventure with this after school group. They youth learned knife safety, how to build their plate with the My Plate layout, and got to cook the delicious Stuffed Bell Peppers recipe ( The Healthy Eating Index Score shows that Americans do not align their eating choices with the Dietary Guidelines, the score
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Cook Together, Eat Together
Author: Kendyl Redding
Major Program: Cook Together, Eat Together

Eating more fruits and vegetables is a critical behavior for health promotion and disease prevention. Despite the importance of eating more produce, it is also one of the most difficult eating behaviors to change. It has been reported that cooking more meals at home is related to increased fruit and vegetable consumption. A family-oriented program to promote healthy, home-cooked meals, Cook Together, Eat Together, was offered at the Powell County Cooperative Extension Office. Eight families
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Families in the Kitchen - Cook Together Eat Together
Author: Jane Proctor
Major Program: Cook Together, Eat Together
It has been reported that cooking more meals at home is related to increased fruit and vegetable consumption. Eating more fruits and vegetables is vital for health promotion and disease prevention. However, it can be one of the most difficult eating behaviors to change.Cook Together, Eat Together is a program targeted at bringing the family together in the kitchen by cooking. Seven families (total of 24) met for six weeks at the Trimble County Cooperative Extension Service. Topics c
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Cook Together, Eat Together
Author: Lora Davidson
Major Program: Cook Together, Eat Together
Eating more fruits and vegetables is a critical behavior for health promotion and disease prevention. Despite the importance of eating more produce, it is also one of the most difficult eating behaviors to change. It has been reported that cooking more meals at home is related to increased fruit and vegetable consumption.A social marketing program to promote healthier, home-cooked family meals, Cook Together, Eat Together, was offered at the Laurel County Cooperative Extension Office
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Cook Together, Eat Together Helps Individuals Prepare More Nutritious, Home-Cooked Meals
Author: Heather Norman-Burgdolf
Major Program: Cook Together, Eat Together
Eating more fruits and vegetables is a critical behavior for health promotion and disease prevention. Despite the importance of eating more produce, it is also one of the most difficult eating behaviors to change. It has been reported that cooking more meals at home correlates with increased fruit and vegetable consumption. To address identified barriers for preparing meals at home, the social marketing and direct education program to promote more nutritious, home-cooked family meals, Cook Toget
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment