Success Stories By MajorProgram FY2022Jul 1, 2021 - Jun 30, 2022
Diabetes Educational Drive Thru and Virtual Workshop
Author: Alivia Faris
Major Program: National Dining with Diabetes

The Lawrence County Extension Agent for Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) collaborated with community partners in the health care field to present a virtual Dining with Diabetes Workshop and Educational Drive Thru event. According to Kentucky Health Facts, Lawrence County has a higher rate of diabetes than the state average, with this in mind the Diabetes Drive-Thru and virtual workshop were planned. This event took place over 7 weeks and had a total of 57 participants through the educational d
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Dining with Diabetes
Author: Cecelia Hostilo
Major Program: National Dining with Diabetes
According to the most recent data found at, 14% of adults in Trigg County have diabetes and 47% of adults have hypertension. It was with this in mind that the Trigg County Extension FCS agent taught the National Dining with Diabetes curriculum. The Trigg County Cooperative Extension Service partnered with the Trigg County Senior Center and the Pennyrile District Health Department’s Certified Diabetes Educator to present the series of four lessons from the
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Dining with Diabetes
Author: Lora Davidson
Major Program: National Dining with Diabetes
According to the, Laurel County has 39% of adults who are overweight or obese with 19% diagnosed with diabetes.The Laurel County Cooperative Extension Service offered a 4-week program that focused on learning about diabetes and how to make diabetic friendly meals with the Dining with Diabetes Program. The program was aimed towards adults with diabetes and/or family members responsible for meal planning and preparation.Over 7 adults participated in one or more lesson
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Dining with Diabetes
Author: Laken Campbell
Major Program: National Dining with Diabetes
Dining with DiabetesThe Quicksand Area FCS agents presented Dining with Diabetes via zoom and mailed out lessons to adults with diabetes and/or family members responsible for meal planning and preparation. Over 48 adults participated in the lessons. 75% of participants felt confident that they can keep their diabetes under control or help the person they care for keep their diabetes under control. Some quotes from participants include: “I have learned how much to exercise- a
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Dining with Diabetes
Author: Kendyl Redding
Major Program: National Dining with Diabetes
According to the Trust for America’s Health 2020 data, 36.6% of adults in Kentucky are obese and 13.1% of adults have been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes in Kentucky. Health facts states that 30% of adults in Powell County have diabetes ranking it one of the highest in the state. Therefore, diabetes management education is critical for community health.The Powell County Family and Consumer Sciences Agent has been facilitating the Dining with Diabetes program twice per year since 2019. Part
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Meeting the Growing Need for Diabetes Education across Kentucky
Author: Heather Norman-Burgdolf
Major Program: National Dining with Diabetes
According to the Kentucky Department of Public Health, diabetes prevalence has doubled from 2000 to 2018 from 6.5% of adults to 13.7% of Kentucky adults. This rate is also higher than the national average (10.5%), with Kentucky exhibiting the 4th highest mortality rate from diabetes in the U.S. Certain parts of Kentucky experience higher adult rates of diabetes. For example, Appalachian Kentucky counties exhibit a diagnosed diabetes rate of 17% compared to 12% in non-Appalachian Kentucky countie
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