Success Stories By MajorProgram FY2022Jul 1, 2021 - Jun 30, 2022
Incubating Chicks
Author: Laura Maggard
Major Program: Poultry/Small Flocks

The Lawrence County Agriculture and Natural Resource (ANR) Extension Agent partnered with Lawrence County Farm Bureau to provide the preschool classes at Louisa West Elementary school supplies to incubate eggs. 4 classrooms were provided incubators and chicks. The ANR Agent and Farm Bureau employees went around to the classrooms to distribute supplies. The ANR agent did a lesson on how and why we incubate eggs. The chicken eggs were provided by University of Kentucky Poultry unit. Each classroom
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Fulton County HPAI
Author: Benjamin Rudy
Major Program: Poultry/Small Flocks
During February of 2022, one of the commercial poultry operations tested positive for High Path Avian Influenza. This triggered the Kentucky Department of Agriculture response team to isolate the operation and called for response team from UDSA-APHIS.High Path Avian Influenza is classified as a highly contagious disease and requires the entire flock of birds to be euthanized to control the spread of the disease in the area. As members of the Kentucky Department of Agriculture and US
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Rapid response to provide outreach on Highly Pathological Avian Influenza (HPAI).
Author: Anthony Pescatore
Major Program: Poultry/Small Flocks
Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) is a foreign animal disease that can be devastating to domestic poultry and some wild bird populations. On February 12, 2022, a broiler flock (231,400 birds) was detected to be infected with HPAI. HPAI was also detected in a turkey flock (53,300 toms) in Webster County on February 15, 2022. The federal and state response to HPAI infected flocks is to quarantine, depopulate and conduct surveillance with in a 6-mile radiance of the infected premise. One of
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Poultry Fun
Author: Thomas Miller
Major Program: Poultry/Small Flocks

Ballard County had their first ever Chicken and Turkey Barbecue event this summer. Dr. Jackie Jacob, from UK, worked with my co-worker Tom Miller and myself to put on a fun, educational and tasty event at our Extension Office. We had 12 participants who learned about chicken and turkey barbecue, nutrition and food safety while having a fun time and enjoying the chicken breasts and turkey burgers that they cooked. Our local responsibility was to get the meat to cook and the sides to e
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Chicken Processing Class.
Author: Stacy White
Major Program: Poultry/Small Flocks
Food insecurity issues have caused many people to want to become more self sufficient in regards supplying food for their households. Chickens are a good source of protein and can be produced and handled without large investments in machinery and equipment. The ANR agent conducted a chicken processing workshop on May 14, 2022. Humane slaughter, scalding, plucking, and gutting was demonstrated by the agent. Afterwards each participant slaughtered and processed a chicken of
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