Success Stories By MajorProgram FY2022Jul 1, 2021 - Jun 30, 2022
Beekeeping - Mentoring beginners
Author: Keith Hackworth
Major Program: Beekeeping
Extension continues to support the Floyd County Beekeepers Association by offering programming, guidance, and assistance while promoting their efforts. The county continues to have increased interest in beekeeping and trying to preserve this tradition. Since the association officially formed five years ago, their membership has grown to sixty individuals with attendance at some of their monthly meetings reaching more than forty. Topics covered at their meetings have been basic beekeeping skills,
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Beekeeping Helps Local Business
Author: Jay Hettmansperger
Major Program: Beekeeping
Beekeeping has become very popular in Garrard County. The interest in beekeeping has grown rapidly over the past three years. Local beekeepers have expended their number of hives and new beekeepers have started up their own hives to care for. Supplies have been hard to get locally and the only suppliers are over an hour and a half away. Making it very difficult to purchase. The Garrard County ANR agent and a couple of other beekeepers worked with the local hardware store to begin handling bee su
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Beekeeping in Greenup County
Author: Linda Hieneman
Major Program: Beekeeping

According to the US Department of Agriculture, one mouthful in three of the foods you eat directly or indirectly depends on pollination by honey bees. Honey bee populations have been declining nationally and in KY over the past ten years. Education is key in helping protect honey bees as well as teaching beekeepers how best to care for their hives.The Greenup County Beekeepers Association formed in 2017 with a handful of members. The main goal of the association is to educate local b
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Licking Valley Honey Bee Society
Author: Jessica Hopkins
Major Program: Beekeeping
The Harrison County Horticulture Extension program has offered beekeeping classes to the public for the last several years. In that time there has been interest from clientele for a mentorship program or a beekeeping club. However, there had not been a volunteer that was interested in leading the club. In the summer of 2021, the Harrison County Horticulture Agent was approached by an individual in the county who has been a beekeeper for 20+ years. He was interested in sta
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Sustainable Beekeeping School
Author: Robert Smith
Major Program: Beekeeping
The Nelson County Beekeepers association and the Nelson County Cooperative Extension Service hosted a “Sustainable Beekeeping School” for the central Kentucky area. The focus of the school was to teach sustainable practices that could help keep beekeepers engaged in the practice of beekeeping while decreasing the out lay of expenses and decrease losses. The day long workshop looked at how to properly observe nature to gauge what might be happening in the hive. We lo
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Beginner Beekeeper School
Author: Jason Vaughn
Major Program: Beekeeping
Powell County has seen rising interest in beekeeping among the landowner population. Fortunately, the county has a rich history of beekeeping with a wealth of knowledge and expertise among members of the community. The Powell and Clark County Extension Offices partnered to present the Powell/Clark Beginner Beekeeping School. The program's target audience was citizens interested in starting a beehive or those with hives but little experience. In addition to a crash cou
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2022 Virtual East KY Winter Beekeeping School
Author: Charles May
Major Program: Beekeeping
The 12th East Kentucky Winter Beekeeping School was held virtual again in January 2022 due to a winter Covid surge. A virtual School, like this one, is challenging but the committee, made up of local Beekeepers, the Kentucky Department of Agriculture state Apiarist and Extension Agents from Perry, Harlan, Floyd and Letcher Counties, worked extremely hard to pull off another successful virtual event. Even with the virtual ev
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Fort Harrod Beekeeping
Author: Jessica Bessin
Major Program: Beekeeping
As the popularity of beekeeping continues to grow the Fort Harrod Beekeeping club has been there to help the residents of Mercer County and those other counties that surround it.The Fort Harrod Beekeeping club started in the winter of 2015 by the Mercer County Horticulture agent. The club initially had only 10 members and now has grown to around 50. The club meets monthly for a short business meeting followed by a speaker or activity. Members of the club receive access to a variety of equipment
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East Kentucky Beekeeping School
Author: Jeremy Williams
Major Program: Beekeeping
East Kentucky Beekeeping School was held virtual in January 2022 due to a winter COVID-19 surge.The committee, made up of local Beekeepers, the Kentucky Department of Agriculture state Apiarist and Extension Agents from Perry, Harlan, Floyd and Letcher Counties.The virtual event, proved to be the highest attended school in its 12 year run. More than 200 people registered for the school with over 100 people online at any point during the day. Based on registration, those that attended represented
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East Kentucky Beekeeping School
Author: Keith Hackworth
Major Program: Beekeeping
The 12th East Kentucky Winter Beekeeping School was held virtual again in January 2022 due to a winter Covid surge. The school was planned and conducted by a committee of local beekeepers, the Kentucky State Apiarist and Extension agents from Perry, Harlan, Floyd, and Letcher Counties. Even with the virtual event, this was the highest attended school to date. More than 200 people registered for the event. Based on registration, attendees were from over half of the counties in the state and four
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East Kentucky Bee School
Author: Shad Baker
Major Program: Beekeeping
The 12th East Kentucky Winter Beekeeping School was held virtual again in January 2022 due to a winter Covid surge. A virtual School, like this one, is challenging but the committee, made up of local Beekeepers, the Kentucky Department of Agriculture state Apiarist and Extension Agents from Perry, Harlan, Floyd and Letcher Counties, worked extremely hard to pull off another successful virtual event. Even with the virtual event, this was the highest a
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New Way to Present Extension Classes
Author: Laura Rogers
Major Program: Beekeeping
In March of 2020, COVID-19 occurred within the Kentucky communities, resulting in many people losing their jobs and businesses shutting down. The Russell County Extension Office realized there could be no in-person meetings. Therefore, to reach their clients and address their needs. Kentucky State University area Extension agent working with University of Kentucky staff and agents to address the urgent pandemic need for training for beekeepers through meetings via the internet and ove
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Beekeepers on the Move
Author: Roger Mollette
Major Program: Beekeeping
The concern for the loss of honey bees in Kentucky prompted the Martin County Agriculture Advisory Council to organize a group of leaders to form the Martin County Beekeepers Association. The group is not only active in replenishing the honeybee population, but now have become very active in honeybee research. The Martin County Extension Service serves as sponsor to the Martin County Beekeepers Association and facilitates educational programs for the group. The Beekeepers Associa
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Beginner Beekeeping School
Author: Bethany Wilson
Major Program: Beekeeping
According to USDA, pollinators are a vital part of agricultural production. More than 90 crops require insect pollination. Managed honey bee colonies are the primary pollinators, adding at least $15 billion a year by increasing yields and helping to ensure superior-quality harvests. And they are in decline nationwide. Beekeeping is a very popular endeavor for people of all ages. The Lake Cumberland Beekeepers Association is about 20 years old and provides great leadership in the community a
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