Success Stories By MajorProgram FY2021Jul 1, 2020 - Jun 30, 2021
Extension Pivots to Virtual Mountain Zoom Series to Help Kentuckians
Author: Shad Baker
Major Program: Policy, Systems, and Environmental Changes
Demand for Extension Programming continues despite the pandemic, and our agents had to adapt teaching strategies to meet that need. Agents in Letcher and Harlan partnered with agents in neighboring Virginia to offer the Mountain Zoom Series of virtual classes. The programs occurred two evenings each week and spanned topics from natural resources such as forestry, truffles and wildlife to agricultural subjects on small ruminants, gardening, drones and drip irrigation and disaster preparedness top
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Handle with Care Becomes Law!
Author: Carla Jordan
Major Program: Policy, Systems, and Environmental Changes
The CDC-Kaiser Permanente Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) suggests that exposure to trauma can pose negative lifetime consequences. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2019 that childhood trauma such as abuse and neglect can increase risk factors such as substance abuse, mental health issues and disease. Kentucky State University recognizes the importance of creating sustainable communities. One such way is collaborating with community organizations to teach resilien
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New Way of Programming in a Pandemic
Author: Amanda Hardy
Major Program: Policy, Systems, and Environmental Changes
With a pandemic on our hands, finding ways to reach our clientele has taken some planning and preparing. While most of our programs were hands on the FCS agent and FCS assistant in Henderson County decided to offer packaged program kits weekly to monthly, online videos that were recorded and live videos along with mail outs. Letting individuals know about the program through Facebook post, newsletters, handwritten cards and local radio spots we
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How Secure Are You?
Author: Kristi Shive
Major Program: Policy, Systems, and Environmental Changes
According to the 2019 annual Crime in Kentucky report, a total of 69,062 Larceny/Theft offenses were reported. A total of 16,251 Burglary/Breaking and Entering offenses were reported. Finally, a total of 2,519 Robbery offenses were reported in the state of Kentucky. Covering 541.5 square miles, Warren County, Kentucky is the 10th-largest county in Kentucky by area. With crimes being reported every day, the Warren County Home Economists in Home and Community group requested for Kristi Shive, Warr
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Growing Excitement
Author: Matthew Futrell
Major Program: Policy, Systems, and Environmental Changes

Growing Excitement The 2021 Kentucky Haiti Benefit Auction was part of a much larger 7 state effort of the Haiti Benefit Auction of Pennsylvania. The HBA of PA has been hosting auctions for many years as part of an effort to provide the Haitian people relief from poverty and extreme living conditions. Conditions in Haiti are harsh, according to the auction website Haiti only has 7 doctors per 100,000 people. The population density is 900 people per square mile compar
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Equipping Family & Consumer Science Extension Agents to Initiate and Sustain Policy, System, and Environmental Changes that Create Healthier Communities for All
Author: Courtney Luecking
Major Program: Policy, Systems, and Environmental Changes
The places and spaces in which people live, learn, work, and play have significant influence on the health of a community. Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) agents and program assistants for the Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service are trusted resources for providing direct education about health-promoting behaviors like nutritious diets and physical activity. To complement direct education interventions, policy, systems, and environmental (PSE) interventions are needed to support change to s
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