Success Stories By MajorProgram FY2021Jul 1, 2020 - Jun 30, 2021
Free Facebook Live Art Series
Author: Kristy Porter
Major Program: Artistic Skill Development
This summer and fall, in order to maintain safe social distancing practices, Fine Arts transitioned our in-person art classes programming to an online format by utilizing Facebook Live videos. Besides the online element, much about these classes has remained the same, including continuing to offer free supplies. Now, we offer them through curbside art kit pickup. These “Bob Ross” style videos allow people to follow along in a low-pressure way that can actually foster creativity witho
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Christmas Door Hanger Grab-N-Go Kits
Author: David Gabbard
Major Program: Artistic Skill Development

For many, the holidays are times spent with family and friends, to reflect on the past year and to look forward to the new year. However, many people spent the holidays with only their immediate families due to COVID-19; this left free time to make new “traditions” or to just do something fun.The Owen County Cooperative Extension Service, including Extension Agents from 4-H Youth Development and Agriculture & Natural Resources, decided to create a dual Family & Consumer Scien
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Appalachian Symphony
Author: Kristy Porter
Major Program: Artistic Skill Development
Appalachian Symphony is now in its sixth year as a Pike County Extension Fine Arts program. Although the COVID-19 pandemic prevented rehearsals for several months in 2020, the group has been able to meet and practice for the past few months. The program meets on Saturdays at 1 pm and teaches anyone in attendance how to play stringed, musical instruments. The rehearsals and use of the instruments are completely free! There are instructors for everything from the ukulele to the violin
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