Success Stories By MajorProgram FY2021Jul 1, 2020 - Jun 30, 2021
Beekeeping Continues Growth
Author: Keith Hackworth
Major Program: Beekeeping
Extension continues to support the Floyd County Beekeepers Association by offering programming, guidance, and assistance while promoting their efforts. The county continues to have increased interest in beekeeping and trying to preserve this tradition. Since the association officially formed four years ago, their membership has grown to sixty individuals with attendance at some of their monthly meetings reaching more than forty. Topics covered at their meetings have been basic beekeeping skills,
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Little Sandy Beekeepers Continue Programming through Pandemic
Author: Rebecca Konopka
Major Program: Beekeeping
The Little Sandy Beekeepers Association meet bimonthly to share ideas and learn tips and techniques to improve their operations. The Association has continued to meet via zoom throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. The Carter County ANR Agent has secured speakers including UK Extension specialists and organized the zoom calls. Topics have included plants for bees, preparing hives for fall and winter, resources available through SOAR, and an update from the KY St
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Author: Nicole Rhein
Major Program: Beekeeping
In 2017 Nikki Rhein, Marshall County Agriculture and Natural Resources Agent, started a yearly introduction to beekeeping class. Due to the size and quantity of the handout materials for the course, Nikki created a webpage. The webpage allowed her to share the bulky information with the participants and other clientele who visit the Marshall County Webpage.Three years later, Nikki still keeps up with the page in hopes that clientele will enjoy the materials gathered there. On February 5th, Nikki
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Author: Jay Hettmansperger
Major Program: Beekeeping
Education in beekeeping is a never ending program. Covid has slowed in-person meetings, but hasn't slowed the questions and interest in beekeeping. Clientele have noticed the beehives located beside the Garrard County Extension office and have made numerous inquiries about beekeeping. The ANR agent put in 2 beehives 2 years ago to bee able to put on classes and to educate himself about beekeeping. While large in-person classes have been impossible, phone calls and one on one teaching m
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East Kentucky Winter Beekeeping School
Author: Charles May
Major Program: Beekeeping
Virtual East Kentucky Beekeeping School was a great success with experience committee The 11th Annual East Kentucky Beekeeping School was held virtual in January 2021, due to the Covid-19 Pandemic. As plans begin in the summer it became evident by the planning committee that in person beekeeping school was not possible, so plans move forward to continue the very popular beekeeping school virtual through Zoom. Be a virtual event became challenging with technology issues, but the
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Virtual East Kentucky Beekeeping Was A Success
Author: Chadwick Conway
Major Program: Beekeeping
Virtual East Kentucky Beekeeping School was a great success with experienced committee. The 11th Annual East Kentucky Beekeeping School was held virtually in January 2021, due to Covid-19. As plans began in the summer, it became evident by the planning committee that an in-person beekeeping school was not a possibility. In effort to continue the 11-year tradition, planning for a virtual conference commenced. Being the first virtual event, it became challenging with technological issu
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Success for the Hands on Learners!
Author: Laura Rogers
Major Program: Beekeeping
Through the Kentucky State University Small Farm Program, KSU Small-Scale Farmer Grant Program, and the KSU Beginning Farmer Grant, in collaboration with the University of Kentucky Extension, a limited resource beginning beekeeper farmer received much-needed instructions and lessons on beekeeping, constructing bee boxes, and value-added products. Laura Rogers, a Small Farm Area Agent of Kentucky State University, offered beginning beekeeping classes at the Corbin Libra
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Summer School
Author: Jessica Barnes
Major Program: Beekeeping
With Covid-19 wreaking havoc on the 2020-2021 school year for many students, new opportunities have emerged that the Harrison County Extension Staff have been able to take advantage of to reach new individuals. All of our schools are offering summer school sessions and have invited Extension to be a part of those efforts. As an office we are trying to be present each week of summer school at a couple of the different schools so that we can share our knowledge with students that may never be expo
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State Apiarist Beekeeping Program
Author: Jessica Hopkins
Major Program: Beekeeping
The topic of beekeeping is a popular subject among homeowners and commercial horticulturalist in the central Kentucky area. Many counties have beekeeping clubs or associations for members to be part of, however with the restrictions put in place due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many groups were unable to meet for several months and many horticulture agents had not held a beekeeping program for over a year. While staying within COVID guidelines and following University of Kentucky recomm
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State Apiarist Beekeeping Program
Author: Jessica Bessin
Major Program: Beekeeping

The topic of beekeeping is a popular subject among homeowners and commercial horticulturalist in the central Kentucky area. Many counties have beekeeping clubs or associations for members to be part of, however with the restrictions put in place due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many groups were unable to meet for several months and many horticulture agents had not held a beekeeping program for over a year. While staying within COVID guidelines and following University of Kentucky recomm
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2020-21 Covid Challenges the Honey, the Bee and the Industry
Author: John (J.J.) Haney
Major Program: Beekeeping
“Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed round” is a saying that is commonly and falsely attributed to the United States Postal Service. Though the U.S. postal service has no official motto, it is arguably a testament to the dedication that these employees maintain in order to ensure that U.S. residents receive their correspondence, regardless of the challenges. The same
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Beekeeping by adding nucs
Author: Deborah Stumbo
Major Program: Beekeeping
The Pike County Beekeepers have been a strong indicator of the possibilities for honey sales for the region and as a basis for multiple farmers to increase profits. At current prices honey is bringing from $18 to $28 per quart. Because of the success of the Beekeepers, it was decided to do a training on splitting hives & trapping swarms. This was done to assist the local beekeepers in expanding and preventing loss of bees through the use of splitting techniques and purchasi
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Beekeeping doesn't stop
Author: Robert Smith
Major Program: Beekeeping
Beekeeping in Nelson County has been embraced by many in our community for generations. Some seek it as a hobby and some look at it as a viable way for additional on-farm income. Either way, the Nelson County Bee club can help you learn more about the art and science of keeping bees.In the fall of 2012, a group of interested beekeepers with varying backgrounds began talking about the formation of a bee club to help disseminate information and to learn from one another. In December of 2012, the f
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Beekeeping Field Day
Author: Charles May
Major Program: Beekeeping
The Perry County Beekeepers Association was like all Beekeeping and other Associations I suspect and not able to meet in-person since the winter of 2020. But with the introduction of the COVID vaccine, declining COVID case numbers and the state beginning to allow in-person events, the Perry County Beekeepers Association along with the Perry County Cooperative Extension Service decided to celebrate the getting back to normal by hosting a Beekeeping Field Day. More than 3
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Author: Roger Mollette
Major Program: Beekeeping
Many years ago the concern for the loss of honey bees in Kentucky prompted the Martin County Agriculture Advisory Council to organize a group of leaders to form the Martin County Beekeepers Association. The group is not only active in replenishing the honeybee population, but now have become very active in honeybee research. The end results of this research prompted by NASA will not only affect the county but the state and nation as this information gathered will help discover t
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Bullitt County Beekeepers' Association
Author: Lorilee Kunze
Major Program: Beekeeping
With the continuing decline of large farming operations in Bullitt County, local farmers are looking to diversify. Because beekeeping can be a very profitable small business, it has become an increasingly popular alternative to traditional livestock. Additionally, homeowners in Bullitt County have showed a growing interest in raising bees as a hobby. Regardless of the intention, residents, with an interest in beekeeping, need a reputable source for up-to-date information and assistanc
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Powell and Clark County Beekeepers Continue On
Author: Jason Vaughn
Major Program: Beekeeping
The Covid 19 pandemic caused many losses. Many of our social and educational club routines were disrupted. Prior to the pandemic, the Powell and Clark County Beekeepers association was a group that embodies the ideas of the Cooperative Extension service. The group is educational and service oriented in its mission. Knowledge, resources and experience is shared freely among club members.The groups monthly zoom meetings to comply with restrictions were poorly attended. &nb
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