Success Stories By MajorProgram FY2020Jul 1, 2019 - Jun 30, 2020
Equine Field Day
Author: Matthew Chadwick
Major Program: Equine

Together with the Caldwell, Livingston, Trigg, and Crittenden county extension offices we hosted the annual UK Equine Field Day. As a state level event it was excellent event, it was a very quality program to bring to West. KY. Due to sponsors we were able to offer the event a no cost to the 60 plus attendees. Program participants learned about the unique grazing requirements of horses, opportunities for funding available through NRCS, the benefits to digestive aids and the availability of
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Author: Steven Musen
Major Program: Equine
Over the past 12 years, Extension Specialists and County Extension Agents from the University of Kentucky have put on an equine field day, The Kentucky Equine Farm and Facilities Expo. This annual event provides practical, hands-on demonstrations and seminars for more than 200 members of the equine community annually, particularly owners and managers of small and medium size horse farms, who may not have been previous consumers of Extension educational programming. One of the major draws o
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Christmas for Kids
Author: Deborah Stumbo
Major Program: Equine
On December 14th the Broken Trail Horse group held it's 10th Annual Christmas for Kids activity. This celebrates a whole year of fund raising, trail riding activities, and hard work for the group. This allows for the membership to grow professionally & take charge of various fund raising activities to develop leadership skills. This year, 27 needy children were selected by various school counselors, church members, and group membership to receive 3 outfits, a winter coa
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Meeting Horse Owners Where they Live
Author: Bob Coleman
Major Program: Equine
While Kentucky is widely thought of as Horse Country some may not realize the number of horses and horse owners that are found in each of the state’s 120 counties. Based on the 2012 Equine survey it is known where the horses and horse owners are, but it can be a challenge to reach those owners with the information they want. To meet this challenge a group of ANR agents from Caldwell, Calloway, Crittenden, Livingston, and Trigg counties joined with specialists from UK to develop a field day
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An Educational Opportunity for Horse Owners
Author: Bob Coleman
Major Program: Equine
An Educational Opportunity for Horse OwnersDeveloping a program where horse owners could attend to get the latest information on horse care was a challenge the Northern Kentucky Network took seriously. Starting in 2016 they embarked on what was called the Equine Conference in Northern Kentucky. The conference was developed through a partnership of horse owners from the network, ANR agents from Kenton, Campbell, and Boone Counties along with the UK Extension Horse Specialist. The concept was to d
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Reaching the Horse Owner, Both Big and Small
Author: Shane Bogle
Major Program: Equine
While Kentucky is widely thought of as Horse Country some may not realize the number of horses and horse owners that are found in each of the state’s 120 counties. Based on the 2012 Equine survey it is known where the horses and horse owners are, but it can be a challenge to reach those owners with the information they want. To meet this challenge a group of ANR agents from Caldwell, Calloway, Crittenden, Livingston, and Trigg counties joined with specialists from UK to develop a field day
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Meeting Horse where they live
Author: Adam Barnes
Major Program: Equine
Meeting Horse Owners where they liveWhile Kentucky is widely thought of as Horse Country some may not realize the number of horses and horse owners that are found in each of the state’s 120 counties. Based on the 2012 Equine survey it is known where the horses and horse owners are, but it can be a challenge to reach those owners with the information they want. To meet this challenge a group of ANR agents from Caldwell, Calloway, Crittenden, Livingston, and Trigg counties joined with specia
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Collaboration and Communication
Author: Bob Coleman
Major Program: Equine
In the unique times with COVID -19 communicating with horse owners needed to change the delivery method to the new technologies to reach the intended audience. While for some the use of Facebook live and Zoom might not be new adding them into the program for the first time can be daunting.An opportunity arose to collaborate with an Extension colleague from the University of Minnesota to deliver an extension program that linked a Zoom meeting with Facebook live. Tackling such a collaboration is m
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Meeting Horse Owners Where they Live
Author: Samuel Cofield
Major Program: Equine
While Kentucky is widely thought of as Horse Country some may not realize the number of horses and horse owners that are found in each of the state’s 120 counties. Based on the 2012 Equine survey it is known where the horses and horse owners are, but it can be a challenge to reach those owners with the information they want. To meet this challenge a group of ANR agents from Caldwell, Calloway, Crittenden, Livingston, and Trigg counties joined with specialists from UK to develop a field day
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Meeting horse owners where they live
Author: Matthew Chadwick
Major Program: Equine
While Kentucky is widely thought of as Horse Country some may not realize the number of horses and horse owners that are found in each of the state’s 120 counties. Based on the 2012 Equine survey it is known where the horses and horse owners are, but it can be a challenge to reach those owners with the information they want. To meet this challenge a group of ANR agents from Caldwell, Calloway, Crittenden, Livingston, and Trigg counties joined with specialists from UK to develop a field day
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Strengthening Extension’s Outreach and Impact for Horse Owners
Author: Traci Johnson
Major Program: Equine
Educational programs that strengthen production skills of agriculture operations in Oldham County are a continued priority identified by Oldham County’s Extension and Agriculture Councils. Equine operations continue to be the top agriculture enterprise in Oldham County with a market value of sales at $6,317,000 according to the 2017 Census of Agriculture, ranking 6th in Kentucky. Extension continues to reach out to assist horse owners through programs that can improve their pr
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Strengthening Extension’s Outreach and Impact for Horse Owners
Author: Bryce Roberts
Major Program: Equine
UK Extension’s Master Horseman is a multiple-session program that can be tailored to the needs of county horse operations. In November-December 2019, this program was offered to participants in Oldham, Henry, Shelby, Spencer, and Trimble Counties. Our four-session program covered Pasture Management and Grazing Management; Feeding and Nutritional Disorders; Health and Vaccinations; Facility Design and Management; and Basic Equipment Needs. Thirty participants attended one
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Strengthening Extension’s Outreach and Impact for Horse Owners
Author: Bob Coleman
Major Program: Equine
Educational programs that strengthen production skills of agriculture operations in Oldham County are a continued priority identified by Oldham County’s Extension and Agriculture Councils. Equine operations continue to be the top agriculture enterprise in Oldham County with a market value of sales at $6,317,000 according to the 2017 Census of Agriculture, ranking 6th in Kentucky. Extension continues to reach out to assist horse owners through programs that can improve their pr
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From Equine Biosecurity to COVID-19 Preparedness--One Health in Action
Author: Roberta Dwyer
Major Program: Equine
Hands-on trainings and in-person lectures on equine biosecurity always emphasize the basics of cleaning and disinfection, traffic control, isolation and quarantine. However, in the past several years, specific content on personal protective equipment (PPE) has also been included as I found a lack of understanding between different masks, gloves and coveralls by audiences, both veterinarians and animal owners. I taught this material in response to issues evolving from the 2014 Ebola virus o
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Basic Equine Series
Author: Garrard Coffey
Major Program: Equine
In cooperation with University of Kentucky Equine Specialist, Dr. Bob Coleman, a basic equine care series was recored and releases on social media outlets. Audio and video was recorded on topics of care of tack, basic grooming and shoeing, saddling your horse and what does my horse weigh. The basic care audio was recorded with Dr. Coleman and the video was then recorded to demonstrate what Dr. Coleman was referring to. This was then edited using software and published to social
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Master Horseman Class
Author: Levi Berg
Major Program: Equine
Strengthening Extension’s Outreach and Impact for Horse OwnersHenry County isn't known as an equine county, but horses are only second to cattle in regard to numbers according to the 2017 US Agricultural Census. Horse bring in over $300,000 in income, but most horse farms in Henry County are for recreational purposes. With this knowledge, the Henry County Extension Office wanted provide the most up to date information for equine owners in the area. UK Extension’s Master Hors
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Strengthening Extension's Outreach and Impact for Horse Owners
Author: Corinne Belton
Major Program: Equine
Educational programs that strengthen production skills of agriculture operations in Shelby County are a continued priority identified by Shelby County’s Extension and Agriculture Councils. Equine operations had a market value of sales at $3.7 million according to the 2017 Census of Agriculture. Extension continues to reach out to assist horse owners through programs that can improve their productivity.UK Extension’s Master Horseman is a multiple-session program that can b
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Multi-State Event
Author: Katharine Lawyer
Major Program: Equine
The Southern Regional 4-H Horse Championship is the only regional 4-H competition left in existence (I've been told), which makes this event not only unique, but it also means that the event itself holds a special place of preserving a since of camaraderie and tradition. This event combines a multi-disciplined horse show with a full fledged educational contest complete with Horse Bowl, Hippology, Horse Judging, Public Speaking, Team Presentation, and Individual Presentations. Wit
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