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Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2019 - Jun 30, 2020

Success Stories By MajorProgram FY2020Jul 1, 2019 - Jun 30, 2020

High Tunnels for the Highlands

Author: Shad Baker

Major Program: Commercial Horticulture

Most folks recognize that arable land is at a premium in some parts of the Commonwealth.  This fact forces those interested in agriculture to focus on specialty crops that use small parcels of land. Kentucky has a long history in high tunnels, and the recent explosion of interest in these season extenders has caused many in our region to give consideration to this production option. The Letcher County Extension service partnered with NRCS and GROW Appalachia to offer educational materials,

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Industrial Hemp Series Provides Farmers with Hand-on Education

Author: Lorin Fawns

Major Program: Commercial Horticulture

Years ago tobacco was the major crop for Mason County farmers. According to the Census of Agriculture from 2012 to 2017 the total acreage of tobacco grown in Mason County has decreased by 1300 acres and continues to decline. Farmers have been desperately looking for a new crop to help increase their income and have turned to growing industrial hemp. The Buffalo Trace Agriculture and Horticulture agents partnered together to offer a series of field days and workshops to further grower education.&

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Growing Fruit and Vegetables in a large school garden utilized by the school food service

Author: Glen Roberts

Major Program: Commercial Horticulture

Collaborators: Glen Roberts, ANR agent, Terry Bertram, ANR assistant, Danny Adams, KSU Small Farm Assistant, Justin Horton, FFA Adviser/VoAg instructor, Kathryn Tucker, School Food Service Director, Master Gardeners, VoAg and FCS students.Situation:  Todays youth are unaware how good their food is grown.  School cafeterias struggle to provide fresh nutritious, affordable locally grown vegetables for their food service.  The ANR agent approached a school board member and the superi

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Strawberry Webinar Series

Author: Jessica Hopkins

Major Program: Commercial Horticulture

In an effort to offer more educational classes to commercial horticulture producers, specialists and agents with the university teamed up to offer a series of webinars on a variety of horticulture topics. The first series was offered in September and focused on Growing Strawberries in Kentucky.   The first session was an introduction to growing strawberries and the second session discussed insect, disease, and weed management.  A combination of specialists and agents presented the info

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Strawberry Production

Author: Anthony Tackett

Major Program: Commercial Horticulture

In an effort to offer more educational classes to commercial horticulture producers, specialists and agents with the university teamed up to offer a series of webinars on a variety of horticulture topics.  The first series was offered in September and focused on Growing Strawberries in Kentucky.   The first session was an introduction to growing strawberries and the second session discussed insect, disease, and weed management.  A combination of specialists and agents presented th

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Growing profits

Author: Lorin Fawns

Major Program: Commercial Horticulture

This year Chad and Shawna Lippert owners of "Lippert's Greenhouse" decided to expand their operation to include growing mums. The Lippert's worked with the Mason County Extension office Horticulture agent Macy Fawns to improve their greenhouse plants but wanted more so they asked for assistance growing mums. Shawna said, "When the door opened with this opportunity, we chose to run through it with great anticipation in all the processes to increase our production season and

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Commercial Horticulture

Author: Robert Kirby

Major Program: Commercial Horticulture

With the tobacco buyout leaving farmers with machinery, greenhouses and the need to ease their dependency on tobacco several Knox County farmers have chosen Commercial Horticulture.  Through the Knox County Extension Service and resources from the University of Kentucky such as newsletters on farm demonstrations, variety trials, farm visits, field trips, educational programming and farm visits from University Specialist, producers have met their production needs and supplementing their farm

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Biological Release Study

Author: Kara Back-Campbell

Major Program: Commercial Horticulture

Biological controls have been used for many years but often the price for shipping and lack of knowledge have left many producers turning to chemical control for their primary action of combat for disease. An extension entomology specialist contacted the Taylor County Horticulture Extension Agent for possible producers to participate in a grant study. Three producers showed interest in the research project. One who primarily grows ornamentals had used biologicals before. The grower was

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Bringing Extension to Amish Communities

Author: Christopher Schalk

Major Program: Commercial Horticulture

Bringing Extension to Amish CommunitiesBarren County is home to large Amish communities.  Bringing Extension programming and services to these communities presents some special challenges. Burley tobacco and commercial vegetable production are both mainstays of these communities.  The delivery of programs and services many times requires taking the programming to the communities instead of the having producers coming into the Extension office.   In order for the Amish producers to

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Educating Specialty Crop High Tunnel Growers Through Virtual Methods

Author: Rachel Rudolph

Major Program: Commercial Horticulture

Kentucky commercial growers produce a wide range of specialty crops. In 2017, cash receipts for fruit and vegetable production totaled $41.6 million (National Agriculture Statistics Service and Economic Research Commission). Direct sales make up a more than 50% of produce sales in the state (National Agriculture Statistics Service and Economic Research Commission), which allows for improved access to local foods. Both commercial and home growers of specialty crops can face many challenges that m

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Utilizing Virtual Methods for County Specialty Crop Programs

Author: Rachel Rudolph

Major Program: Commercial Horticulture

Kentucky commercial growers produce a wide range of specialty crops, such as vegetables and fruit. In 2017, cash receipts for fruit and vegetable production totaled $41.6 million (National Agriculture Statistics Service and Economic Research Commission). Direct sales make up a more than 50% of produce sales in the state (National Agriculture Statistics Service and Economic Research Commission), which allows for improved access to local foods. In addition, many home gardeners also grow their own

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Hands-On High Tunnel Education for County Extension Agents

Author: Rachel Rudolph

Major Program: Commercial Horticulture

High tunnel production has grown considerably in Kentucky since 2012. However, many growers still struggle with production challenges that are more commonly observed in high tunnel systems, such as soil salinity, appropriate fertilizer use, and season extension. Because high tunnels are still relatively new, many Cooperative Extension Service (CES) agents do not have the experience or information to assist high tunnel growers. As of 2019, there were estimated to be over 1,000 high tunnels in Ken

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Prewitt High Tunnel Tomatoes

Author: Stacy White

Major Program: Commercial Horticulture

Root-knot nematode (RKN) is a soil-dwelling microscopic roundworm. This nematode is parasitic on numerous plants, including vegetables, fruits, field crops, ornamentals, and common weeds. RKN can occur in commercial and homeowner plantings. Frequently, the nematode interacts with other plant pathogens to form a disease complex in which the resulting disease is much more severe than that caused by either component alone. Rootknot nematode is particularly serious when high populations are allowed

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Urban Farmer Relay Cropping Pilot Program

Author: Leigh Whittinghill

Major Program: Commercial Horticulture

Food security is a major concern, not only in developing nations, but in the United States as well.  Map the Meal Gap 2018 reports that 15.5% of Kentucky’s population is food insecure, which is higher than the national average of 12.9%.  57 of the 120 counties in Kentucky have food insecurity rates higher than the state average.  Individuals in food insecure areas may find it especially hard to travel farther to purchase healthy food if they live in a food desert.  A fo

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Tomato Webinar

Author: Jessica Bessin

Major Program: Commercial Horticulture

 In an effort to offer more educational classes for commercial horticulture producers, UK Extension Specialist and Extension Agents teamed up to offer webinars on a variety of horticultural topics. These webinars were broadcast state wide using Zoom and were presented by a combination of agents and specialist. One of the webinars within this series was on tomato production. The tomato webinar was broken down into two session the first being on site selection, irrigation set up, weed managem

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High Tunnel Basics for New Growers

Author: Jessica Bessin

Major Program: Commercial Horticulture

Over the last few years high tunnels have started to grow in popularity in Mercer County. High tunnels are primarily use for specialty crop production, including fruit and vegetables, and have been shown to increase quality and yield. One huge benefit is they are able to extend the growing season for small and large commercial growers to provide produce when field production is on the decline or it is too early in the season. Due to this interest in high tunnel production the Mercer County Horti

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In Between the Rows

Author: Gina Ligon

Major Program: Commercial Horticulture

Boone County: Between the Rows & Demonstration Videos Reach Clientele Virtually During Covid-19The spring of 2020 created challenges for farmers, consumers, and communities alike due to the unexpected consequences of Covid-19. During this time everyone worked to adapt to new regulations than normal which created a ripple effect in production agriculture therefore affecting food supply and availability to consumers. As a result, Boone County Extension was required to limit access to the publi

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Increasing profitability of Kentucky nurseries with improved pawpaw cultivars

Author: Sheri Crabtree

Major Program: Commercial Horticulture

To be competitive, nurseries must offer unique plant material that is in demand from consumers.  Kentucky State University's Horticulture Extension Program works with several nurseries in Kentucky assisting them with propagation and growing advice, troubleshooting pests and diseases, cultivar recommendations, and obtaining propagation material.  KSU has released three improved pawpaw cultivars (KSU-Atwood, KSU-Benson, and KSU-Chappell) that were developed through selective breeding

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Cut Flower Production and Marketing Basics

Author: Alexis Amorese Sheffield

Major Program: Commercial Horticulture

Americans spend more than $26 billion annually on floral products each year. In the U.S., there are more than 23,000 establishment in floral industry, which includes florist establishments, wholesaler and floriculture growers. Out of all those flowers purchased to sell, only 20% are American- grown. The top exporters of flowers globally are Colombia and Ecuador. In the US, majority of the flowers grown, come from California.  Kentucky has an ideal climate for raising many varieties of

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Tomato Grafting Research

Author: Robert Kirby

Major Program: Commercial Horticulture

With most of the high tunnels in Knox County being NRCS grant funded, certain stipulations are agreed upon by producers when receiving the grant. One of the stipulations is that producers will agree to grow produce in the ground of the high tunnel for a minimum of four years.  Almost all producers in the county have selected tomatoes as their primary crop because of the profit potential but have struggled growing in the ground the second and third years because of nematodes. To address the

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High Tunnel Tomato Production Webinar Series

Author: Robert Kirby

Major Program: Commercial Horticulture

Thru efforts of the University of Kentucky Horticulture Specialist, a three night education webinar series on high tunnel tomato production was offered across the state for agents to host in their counties.  These webinars were hosted by our local Knox County Agriculture and Natural Resource agent where the series was well attended.  All participants have reported less disease and insect pressure as well as an increase of five or more pounds of tomatoes per plant production. Participan

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High tunnel tomato grafting leads to higher yields and profits for Knox county vegetable grower

Author: Rachel Rudolph

Major Program: Commercial Horticulture

High tunnels have the potential to provide specialty crop growers with the ability to extend the growing season and moderate the environment with respect to precipitation and temperature. This can translate to increased income from increased marketable yields and improved produce quality. High tunnels play an important role in the local food system of Kentucky. There are over 1,000 high tunnel across the state of Kentucky. High tunnel production is nuanced and growers face unique production chal

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High Tunnel Educational Programs

Author: Kevin Lyons

Major Program: Commercial Horticulture

A High Tunnel System, commonly called a “hoop house,” is an increasingly popular conservation practice for farmers, and is available with financial assistance through the Natural Resources Conservation Service’s (NRCS) Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP).  Since the establishment of this program, many high tunnels have been built throughout the state. It is a new growing system for them and therefore it is imperative to offer educational training to help them s

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Beginning Farmers Start Their First Commercial Tomato Production Plot

Author: Richard Bryant

Major Program: Commercial Horticulture

The Beginning Farmers and Ranchers Development Program "Farming for Cash" works with several different community-based organizations in order to educate beginning farmers on different production methods, pest management practices, and marketing strategies.  This year, Kentucky State University has partnered with five community-based organizations from across the state.  One of these organizations, Empucate International, helps train beginning farmers from African countries wh

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The Veggie IPM Hotline

Author: Kelly Jackson

Major Program: Commercial Horticulture

Kentucky has the fastest-growing Amish population in the U.S. According to the Young Center for Anabaptist and Pietist Studies, the population of Kentucky Amish grew by 5,595 people since 2010 and is currently 8th in population with approximately 13,347 Amish. Christian County and neighboring Todd County are two of the three most populated counties in Kentucky. Many Amish in these two counties, grow and sell vegetables and depend on these sales for their livelihood. Due to limited access to phon

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Low tunnel saves vegetable plants from a late freeze

Author: Glen Roberts

Major Program: Commercial Horticulture

Situation: Farm family decides to grow vegetables to supplement their off farm income.  They set their plants after normal last killing frost in the spring.  Plants were well established for three weeks when a forecast of a freeze occurred two days away.  They consulted their local extension office and the ANR agent who had 50 years experience growing small scale commercial vegetables suggested constructing a low tunnel to protect the plants.Collaborators: ANR Agent, Glen Roberts,

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Horticulture Demonstrations

Author: Anthony Tackett

Major Program: Commercial Horticulture

Local planning groups continue to place a high priority on commercial horticulture field demonstrations as an educational program delivery method.   In response to these priorities the Bourbon Extension Office has worked with and supported the development of two new ongoing horticulture demonstrations.  The first demonstration includes a modified commercial tomato trellising system to help smaller market growers ramp up production efficiently where appropriate.  The Extension Serv

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Reducing Input Costs

Author: Anthony Tackett

Major Program: Commercial Horticulture

The Bourbon County Extension Service worked closely with local producers in effectively managing and reducing their fertilizer and pesticide usage where appropriate during the past year.   As production input costs increase local horticulture operations continue to look for ways to reduce costs.  One way the Bourbon Horticulture Extension has helped operations reduce costs is through more efficient management of soil fertility and pesticide usage.  During the past year over 3

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Proactive Webinar during first month of COVID-19

Author: Joshua Knight

Major Program: Commercial Horticulture

During the first month of social distancing orders, Joshua Knight hosted a seminar Adding Your Farm Business to Google Maps with the Center for Crop Diversification as part of an ongoing weekly series of webinars to help growers interested in developing web-based direct sales, online ordering, or a general online presence. During the promotion phase, there were over 70 individuals signed up to watch the webinar live, with 26 attending.  Survey responses by attendees have all rated the

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Rotten Apples: When Research and Extension Join Forces to Find Solutions

Author: Nicole Gauthier

Major Program: Commercial Horticulture

Apples are the most commonly grown fruit in Kentucky.  Approximately 672 orchards produce between 450,000 and 750,000 bushels of apples per year, a value of $24.4 to $40.6 million.  Most orchards in Kentucky have an agritourism focus and consist of mixed fruit plantings or specialty produce.  Apple, blueberry, grape, peach, and strawberry are all susceptible to anthracnose diseases caused by the same family of fungi.  Bitter rot of apple is the most significant of these disea

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A Virtual Approach to County-Based Specialty Crops Programs

Author: Nicole Gauthier

Major Program: Commercial Horticulture

Kentucky farmers produce a wide range of specialty crops. In 2017, fruit and vegetable production in Kentucky was valued at $41.6 million.  Specialty crops are susceptible to a range of diseases and pests that may limit produce yield and/or quality.  County Extension agents are the first line of contact with the UK Extension Service, but they often request additional training and support for specialty crop practices. Thus, there is a constant need for continuing education for agents.&n

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Commercial Tomato Grower Fights Pest and Disease with Recommendations from UK

Author: Mattea Mitchell

Major Program: Commercial Horticulture

Commercial Tomato Grower Fights Pest and Disease with Recommendations from UK

A local commercial tomato producer has struggled for the last two years with his production on his lower ground in Hickman County. After working with specialists, pathologists, and several different labs (including UK), the producer is on his way to healthier tomato production and solve problems for his lower production ground. Working with him from his starters, all the way up to mature plants, many issues were able to be addressed in regards to production. He wrote a response to the assis

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CCD Newsletter Benefits Specialty Crop Growers

Author: Christy Cassady

Major Program: Commercial Horticulture

The Center for Crop Diversification’s monthly newsletter has been distributed to growers, extension agents and agricultural agency personnel since the fall of 2013. Most of the 1,700 subscribers receive an email notification when each newsletter is posted on the CCD website, with 39 subscribers receiving a hard copy in the mail. In the fall of 2019, the CCD conducted a survey of growers, extension agents and associates, and agency personnel who work with growers. The survey found that 127

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Jenny Clark Roadside Vegetable Stand

Author: Daniel Becker

Major Program: Commercial Horticulture

Jenny Clark runs a roadside vegetable stand in Caldwell County and attends local farmers markets as a vendor. She was looking to expand her high tunnel and field area to grow more vegetablesl but had difficulty with weed control. She was also inexperienced with water and fertilizer application. Through the county agent, Shane Bogle, she got in contact, interested in becoming a cooperator and demonstration site. Working with the extension associate, it was decided that the best avenue to economiz

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Cut Flower Production in Kentucky

Author: Kristin Hildabrand

Major Program: Commercial Horticulture

In a horticulture interest survey that the Warren County Extension Agent for Horticulture distributed for Plan of Work 2020, cut-flower production was ranked the highest interest among the growers surveyed. As a result of this finding, the horticulture extension agent began reaching out to commercial cut flower growers in the South Central Kentucky area for assistance.The horticulture extension agent contacted numerous cut-flower operations in the South Central Kentucky area including Briar Rose

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