Success Stories By MajorProgram FY2020Jul 1, 2019 - Jun 30, 2020
Fleming County Farm Field Day
Author: April Wilhoit
Major Program: Farm Management
When I began this job as Extension Educator for Agriculture and Natural Resources in 2017, I was told by numerous people that they would like to have a Farm Field Day back in Fleming County. The last Farm Field Day occurred in the community over 10 years ago. With the work of the Extension Agriculture Advisory Council the first Farm Field Day in many years was held on September 24, 2019. Topics for the farm field day covered pink eye control in cattle, and importance knowing fo
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Fall Field Day
Author: Garrard Coffey
Major Program: Farm Management
On October 10, 2019 the Rockcastle County cooperative extension agriculture program collaborated with Rockcastle county conservation district and the USDA Soil conservation service for a fall field day at Barry Hursts farm. The program included a demonstration of a drone to survey plant health in pasture and hay fields, and use of video on the drone to survey all aspects of the farm. This drone was purchased by the Wilderness Trail Agriculture agents association through a mini grant
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Phase 1 Cost Share Program
Author: Jerry Little
Major Program: Farm Management
The Boyle County Farm Bureau Federation applied for $153,146 in Agriculture Development Funds for the CAIP program. There were 86 applications submitted and 75 were funded. The program was started during the last fiscal year and will be completed this year. The extension office is the main clearing house for all the reports and receipts turned in on the cost share program. The extension agent has held 11 educational meetings, both with the BQCA certification as well as the cattle handling progra
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Hemp Production
Author: Joanna Coles
Major Program: Farm Management
Due to the increased amount of interest in hemp production, the Mammoth Cave Area Ag Agents hosted a district hemp educational meeting.One hundred percent of the participants increased their knowledge among the topics of Hemp Production, Hemp Economics, and the Hemp Application process. Sixty-five percent plan to implement the knowledge gained during the training in their hemp farming operation.Sometimes our educational meetings help farmers decide whether or not a product would be a viabl
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Investing in Agriculture in Muhlenberg County
Author: Roger "Darrell" Simpson
Major Program: Farm Management
House Bill 611 defined the University of Kentucky College of Agriculture Extension Service’s role with the Master Settlement Agreement regarding leaders and funds. This agent has worked to facilitate the actions of the Phase I County Agriculture Council and any legal entity that has administered funds. As a result, county leaders have volunteered their time to determine how the county funds would be utilized. County Agricultural Investment Program (CAIP) has been administered by the
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Education Efforts to Facilitate the Federal Farm Bill
Author: Gregory Drake
Major Program: Farm Management
The Agriculture Act of 2018 provides a safety net for many of our county’s farmers. The Cooperative Extension Service was charged with educating producers about their participation in the federal safety net programs. Past farm bills have allowed or instructed USDA staff to assist participants in participating in these federal farm bill programs. Under the law signed by President Trump in 2018 producers were directed to Cooperative Extension for assistance. Part of
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Strategies for Tax Management
Author: Roger "Darrell" Simpson
Major Program: Farm Management
Tax management is a crucial component of the active farm business as well as the farm business that is planning to cease operations. The Muhlenberg County Cooperative Extension Service worked with Jonathan Shepherd from the University of Kentucky College of Agriculture Food and Environment Agricultural Economics Department to host an educational meeting to help beef cattle producers learn more about this topic. Twenty nine producers including seven wives were in attendance at the program.
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Cow Calf Profitability Session
Author: Dee Heimgartner
Major Program: Farm Management
According to the 2017 Ag Census, over 38,000 farms in Kentucky have beef cattle and over 64,000 head in the western counties of Caldwell, Calloway, Crittenden, Carlisle, Livingston, Lyon, and Marshall Counties. Cattle producers have experienced market volatility the past few years. The KY Department of Ag Livestock and Grain Market Report shows 2019 prices below the five year average in many cattle categories. To address this volatility and showcase ways to improve profitability, specialists fro
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Funding Resources for Farmers
Author: T. Adam Probst
Major Program: Farm Management
Funding resources for farmers are often crucial to starting a new farm business and even sustaining an existing one. The Woodford County Extension Office receives many inquiries from clientele asking about grants, loans, and cost share opportunities to help offset the costs of either starting their farm business or expanding, sustaining, and/or diversifying their current operation. In an effort to pull all of the funding resources together, the Woodford County Extension Service partnered with th
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Grain Marketing Workshop Helps Navigate Tight Times
Author: Roger "Darrell" Simpson
Major Program: Farm Management
Slim profit margins and limited working capital result in a particularly challenging economic environment for many grain producers to navigate. Being a new farmer can add an additional hurdle. Dr. Todd Davis, an assistant professor in the UK College of Agriculture, Food and Environment, has hosted risk management workshops since 2016 at locations across the state. The workshops feature case studies to show producers how they can use risk management tools to preserve their working capital during
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2019 Farm Safety Day
Author: Reed Graham
Major Program: Farm Management
Farming is one of the most dangerous occupations in the world. Farm safety is often overlooked even though it is very important. Breathitt Co and Wolfe Co ANR Agents and Farm Bureaus collaborated for a joint Safety Program. The Field Day was held at the Robinson Center in Jackson, KY. Topics for the evening included: chainsaw safety, the importance of staying hydrated, rollover tractor safety, PTO safety, and how to safely load and haul farm equipment on the road. Attendees all received a
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Farm School for Women
Author: April Wilhoit
Major Program: Farm Management

The Buffalo Trace County Agriculture and Horticulture agents hosted a four session program for women agriculturalist on topics covering production of cut flowers, pasture management, cattle handling and care, and opportunities for maximizing profits on the farm. The ladies enjoyed the hands on learning activities and were able to view first hand warm season forages and hear of the benefits and place on the farm. One of the attendees stated the benefits of the Cut Flower session as: &
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Management Details Improve Cow - Calf Profitability
Author: Roger "Darrell" Simpson
Major Program: Farm Management
Paying attention to details helps to improve the profitability of any business. Dr. Kenneth Burdine, Dr. Greg Halich, and Jonathan Shepherd from the University of Kentucky College of Agriculture Food and Environment, Agricultural Economics Department developed a program titled Cow Calf Profitability. They worked with Extension Agents for Agriculture and Natural Resources across the state to deliver the program in five locations across the commonwealth. Program topics focused primarily on managem
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Management Details Improve Cow-calf Profitability
Author: Vicki Shadrick
Major Program: Farm Management
Paying attention to details helps to improve the profitability of any business. Dr. Kenneth Burdine, Dr. Greg Halich, and Jonathan Shepherd from the University of Kentucky College of Agriculture Food and Environment, Agricultural Economics Department developed a program titled Cow Calf Profitability. They worked with Extension Agents for Agriculture and Natural Resources across the state to deliver the program in five locations across the commonwealth. Program topics focused primarily on managem
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Educational Videos During Pandemic
Author: David Coffey
Major Program: Farm Management
The Jackson County Agriculture and Natural Resources agent worked alongside the Jackson County 4H agent, staff assistants, and program assistants to create a social media presence on facebook, Instagram, and youtube. The agents made weekly educational videos related to their own program area that reached audiences during a global pandemic outbreak when in-person meetings were not possible. The videos have reached several thousand viewers over the past three weeks and agents plan to continue to c
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Spring Beef Meetings
Author: Garrard Coffey
Major Program: Farm Management
Spring Beef Programming has become a staple in the Rockcastle County agriculture programming over many years. This year’s series was focused on whole farm management with the goals of having farmers become more profitable and sustainable just by being more management intensive. The series of classes offered consisted of grazing management/farm planning, weed management of hay and pasture, bull buying for your herd, forest management on the beef farm, and hay and pasture insurance opt
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Beginner Farmers Improve Ag Business Operations as a Result of the Virtual Boone County Farm Business Management School
Author: Michelle Simon
Major Program: Farm Management
Boone County has continued to experience an increase in land values over the last five years as a result of the increased urban development and a decrease in available farm land. This elevation in prices has made it difficult for young and beginning farmers to firstly, obtain land, and secondly, make their farming operations profitable. The Boone County Agriculture Advisory Committee identified the need for a program providing business related information for new and beginning farmers as a top p
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County Agricultural Investment Program
Author: Ricky Arnett
Major Program: Farm Management
Phase I funding continues to play an integral part of the agriculture of Green County. The Green County Agricultural Development Board helped to administer over $280,000 to the agriculture producers of Green County.The council funded producers with the C.A.I.P. program that included: genetics, fencing, on farm water development, cattle handling, hay storage, diversification, technology, dairy diversification, and forage improvement. Several different educational offerings included as part of the
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2018 Farm Bill Education
Author: Curtis Judy
Major Program: Farm Management
The 2018 Farm Bill, which was enacted in December 2018, continued the grain and oilseed program that was created by the 2014 Farm Bill. The ARC (Agricultural Risk Coverage) and PLC (Price Loss Coverage) options are more complicated than the commodity programs that existed prior to 2014. The 2018 Farm Bill offered farmers opportunities to prove crop yields, and to choose price protection (PLC) or revenue protection (ARC) on a farm-by-farm, crop-by-crop basis. Durin
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Dirt 2 Dollars: A Different Approach to Extension Education
Author: Whitney Carman
Major Program: Farm Management

Cooperative Extension Agents are continuously looking for ideas to help reach new audiences to educate and communicate. Agriculture and Natural Resources Agents Matt Adams (Hardin), Whitney Carman (Grayson) and Daniel Carpenter (LaRue) specifically were looking for ways to reach the young farmer population, a group that can be difficult to reach in the current educational methods. One way that the agents looked into is podcasting. Podcasting uses the internet to make recordings of broadcasts ava
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Dirt to Dollars A Different Approach to Extension Education
Author: Daniel Carpenter
Major Program: Farm Management
Cooperative Extension Agents are continuously looking for ideas to help reach new audiences to educate and communicate. Agriculture and Natural Resources Agents Matt Adams (Hardin), Whitney Carman (Grayson) and Daniel Carpenter (LaRue) specifically were looking for ways to reach the young farmer population, a group that can be difficult to reach in the current educational methods. One way that the agents looked into is podcasting. Podcasting uses the internet to make recordings of broadcasts ava
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Boone County: Between the Rows & Demonstration Videos Reach Clientele Virtually During Covid-19
Author: Michelle Simon
Major Program: Farm Management
The spring of 2020 created challenges for farmers, consumers and communities alike due to the unexpected consequences of Covid-19. During this time businesses and offices were required to operate under much different circumstances than normal which created a ripple effect in production agriculture therefore affecting food supply and availability to consumers. As a result, Boone County Extension and other Extension offices were required to limit access to the public and were not able to host educ
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covid 19 educational efforts
Author: Robert Amburgey
Major Program: Farm Management
Due to the Covid 19 epidemic, extension programming required new methods to address the needs of our communities. Extension worked closely with administration, county leadership, and UK specialists to provide the necessary training and resources needed. Produce best management practices, CAIP education, BQCA, pesticide applicator, soil testing, diagnostics and farm visits were maintained by the use of electronic resources as well as creative personal interaction. Many programs
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Area Educational meetings
Author: Jerry Little
Major Program: Farm Management
The ANR agent along with agents from Garrard, Lincoln, and Mercer counties conducted four area meetings. The tobacco meeting had 35 in attendance, area grain meeting had 37 in attendance, area forage meeting had 60 in attendance, and the area backgrounders meeting had 33 in attendance. Various topics are covered with specilists and agent delivering the educational materials. These meetings also satisfy the educational requirements for cost share funds. Producers told us in surveys that the
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Dead Animal Removal Program
Author: Jerry Little
Major Program: Farm Management
The ANR agent was contacted by the Boyle county soil conservation board that the company that was contracted to pick up deceased farm animals in the county was going out of business on January 31st. The soil conservation board had been paying the $50,000 a year contract for the last three years. The company had picked up an average of 1500 deceased animals per year over the last three years.It was a no cost program for farmers that was run very well by the company. The ANR agent contacted
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Extension Guides NewGen Farmers through Farm Consultation
Author: Lindie Huffman
Major Program: Farm Management
Every Extension Agent's favorite phone call is "I bought a farm. What can I do with it to make money?"The question is filled with opportunity, worry, aspiration, and many times a hint of fear. As Extension, we are the place to turn to for answers, and to be brought in so early we are poised to serve as a strong ally to help farmers achieve their goals. Since 2018 I have served as a consultant to over 36 farmers. Offering unique and tailor-made farm plans to fit not only their desir
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Market Demand for Specialty Small Grains in Kentucky
Author: Jordan Shockley
Major Program: Farm Management
Across Kentucky, we have seen an increase in the local food movement, where consumers prefer to eat food and consume beverages which are grown, farmed, or produced locally. The local food movement is evident from the recent boom seen in the craft food and beverage market. Furthermore, the staple spirit of Kentucky, bourbon, has seen a rapid expansion in production and new distilleries entering the market. As such, producers of craft foods and beverages targeting the local food
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Farm Bill Training
Author: Nicole Rhein
Major Program: Farm Management
On February 6th, 2020 Extension agents from Marshall and Livingston Counties and the local Young Farm Educator collaborated to offer a farm bill training. The training was lead by Ballard County Extension Agent, Tom Miller. Tom has a knack for making the complex decisions that farmers face easy to understand. When surveyed one producer commented, "(Tom had) excellent explanations." The training was designed to help grain farmers make decisions related to the 2018 Farm Bill. The m
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Management Details Improve Cow Calf Profitability
Author: Samuel Cofield
Major Program: Farm Management
Paying attention to details helps to improve the profitability of any business. Dr. Kenneth Burdine, Dr. Greg Halich, and Jonathan Shepherd from the University of Kentucky College of Agriculture Food and Environment, Agricultural Economics Department developed a program titled Cow Calf Profitability. They worked with Extension Agents for Agriculture and Natural Resources across the state to deliver the program in five locations across the commonwealth. Program topics focused primarily on managem
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ECFP- Local Executive and Judges Meeting
Author: Chuck Flowers
Major Program: Farm Management
Early Career Farming Program (ECFP) - Local Executive and Judges MeetingCarlisle, Fulton and Hickman County had a market value of $337 million in agricultural products last year – equal to the single largest producing county in the state. This region spent over $70 million on fertilizer, seed and chemicals alone last year. After discussing with CEC board and Ag council, agents wanted to offer a program geared toward younger farmers getting ready to transition toward making farm decisions w
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Tobacco Settlement Funds Help Washington County Farmers
Author: James Morgeson
Major Program: Farm Management
Washington County receives funds through The Governor's Office of Agriculture Policy from the Tobacco Settlement Funds allocated to the state each year. In 2019-2020 those funds where used for several programs in the county. The local Agriculture Development Board voted to give $27,000 to help a local dairy set up an on farm bottling facility, allocated $265,000 to the County Agriculture Investment program (106 farmers 50/50 cost share each receiving $2500 each), $47,000 to the N
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ECFP- Local Executive and Judges Meeting
Author: Benjamin Rudy
Major Program: Farm Management

Early Career Farming Program (ECFP) - Local Executive and Judges MeetingCarlisle, Fulton and Hickman County had a market value of $337 million in agricultural products last year – equal to the single largest producing county in the state. This region spent over $70 million on fertilizer, seed and chemicals alone last year. After discussing with CEC board and Ag council, agents wanted to offer a program geared toward younger farmers getting ready to transition toward making farm decisions w
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CAIP Training
Author: T. Adam Probst
Major Program: Farm Management
Every year the Woodford County Agriculture Advancement Council administers the County Ag Investment Program of the Kentucky Ag Development Fund. In 2019, the Woodford County Extension Service hosted a producer workshop designed to assist producers in filling out the application, teach applicable projects, and allow producers opportunity to complete needed documentation. One hundred and one producers applied for funding with only 2 producers not meeting the minimum criteria for approv
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H2A migrant worker packets for COVID-19
Author: Beau Neal
Major Program: Farm Management
After talking with a few farmers/producers in Fayette County, I realized there may be a serious need for H2A or migrant workers to have some guidance and health related information in Spanish once they arrive. H2A employees are extremely important to many of our farmers/producers and when spring time rolls around, these producers rely heavily upon them in regard to their farming operation. No matter what country some of these folks may come from, in many cases they are from very isol
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Distrist Hemp Meeting
Author: Beau Neal
Major Program: Farm Management
With the explosive interest in hemp production the last couple years, education on the various issues regarding it seemed to lagging behind. There was a demand for a general hemp informational meeting for growers to get an idea of what it takes to actually produce the crop itself. Topics covered were Regulatory and Field Testing, Production Systems, Site Selection and Soils, Budgets and Risk Management, Cultivar Information, Fertility, Planting, Pest Risks and Management, Harvest, Harvest
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Heavy Use Areas
Author: Andy Mills
Major Program: Farm Management
At the end of every winter -beef producer are left with a problem area where cattle were fed hay all season. These heavy use areas are normally compacted very rough from cattle track ruts, and normally covered in weeds. These areas, depending on the number of cattle fed, can range from one acre up to four acres. Usually starting in December the animals will be placed back in thee heavy use area to start the winter feeding again. Most cattle are not removed from these areas until April and it tak
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Author: Steven Musen
Major Program: Farm Management
In Jessamine County and around the country, the agricultural economy is suffering through a down cycle of low commodity prices and high input costs. As restaurants, Hotels and Schools have closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the situation has got even more difficult because of the loss of markets and resulting decline in farm income. It is understood that in order to farming operations to remain in operation, farm managers must make every effort to reduce operating expenses and maximize income.
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Risk Management Education in Uncertain Times
Author: Shane Bogle
Major Program: Farm Management
"What is risk management? Risk Management involves choosing among various risk management strategies and tools designed to reduce the financial effects of the uncertainties of weather, yields, prices, government policies, global economies, human factors, and other conditions that can cause dramatic fluctuations in farm income." (USDA Risk Management Education). In response to the 2018 Farm bill and low commodity prices, a regional risk management education series was offered
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Regional Cow-calf Profitability Conferences
Author: Kenneth Burdine
Major Program: Farm Management
Kentucky is home to over one-million beef cows and around 34,000 cow-calf operations. While cow-calf operations are easily the most common agricultural enterprise in the state, they have historically been very profit-challenged. During 2019, faculty in the department of Agricultural Economics began developing a program intended to improve the profitability of cow-calf operations across KY. The concept was for a set of regional full-day programs aimed at serious, profit driven cow-calf operators
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Farm Business Plan for Beginners
Author: April Wilhoit
Major Program: Farm Management

The Fleming County Agriculture Advisory Council determined the need for a program on business planning for folks that were beginning with farming. The idea was tossed around because one of the farmers on the council was able to become a better manager of his dairy farm after doing a business plan. He went from barely making ends meet to becoming quite profitable in his industry. It was also determined that since the Ag Development Council for Fleming County had decided to allow
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Crop Enterprise Budgets put to work
Author: Carol Hinton
Major Program: Farm Management
During the past 27 years I have been asked, ‘just what does UK College of Ag say we can make on this crop’, but to this extent I would never have ever thought I would be asked so many times to run an Enterprise Budget. Crop and livestock prices have been more than depressing for growers, and they began to realize that its time to put some numbers down on paper to verify what they were thinking. I worked closely with two growers on tobacco enterprise budgets. They ha
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