Success Stories By MajorProgram FY2020Jul 1, 2019 - Jun 30, 2020
Bulbs and Batteries
Author: Joan Bowling
Major Program: Hazardous Household Products Module
Bulbs and BatteriesThe technology of bulbs and batteries has been advancing since the mid 1800’s at an alarming rate causing much confusion as well as interest among consumers. In an effort to educate the public on how to get the most out of batteries and bulbs, a program titled, “Bulbs and Batteries” was offered. The collaborative effort was conducted by the Kenton County Family and Consumer Science agents and a guest speaker from a local utility company. The utili
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Healthy Homes: Hazardous Household Products
Author: Brooke Hogancamp
Major Program: Hazardous Household Products Module

Hazardous products in our home are most likely not something we think about on a regular basis. Hazards can be something as simple as leaving unsecured medication out in a child’s reach. The most common causes of home injury include falls, poisoning, fires and burns, choking and suffocation, drowning, firearms, and others. Of that 27% of the injuries are due to poising. Each year there are over 50,000 individuals call the Kentucky Poison Control number.All of Kentucky’s home have pot
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Healty Homes: Hazardous Household Products
Author: Sarah Hanks
Major Program: Hazardous Household Products Module
Hazardous products in our home are most likely not something we think about on a regular basis. Hazards can be something as simple as leaving unsecured medication out in a child’s reach. The most common causes of home injury include falls, poisoning, fires and burns, choking and suffocation, drowning, firearms, and others. Of that 27% of the injuries are due to poising. Each year there are over 50,000 individuals call the Kentucky Poison Control number.All of Kentucky’s home have pot
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