Success Stories By MajorProgram FY2019Jul 1, 2018 - Jun 30, 2019
Retaining Middle School Aged Youth in 4-H: Stuck in the Middle at 4-H Camp
Author: Mackenzie Pogue
Major Program: Specialty Camps (overnight camps that take place outdoors)

Many instances have brought to light the common issue of 4-H losing touch with youth during their middle school transitional years. 4-Hers are commonly active, or peak 4-Hers during their 4th-6th grade years where their involvement includes classroom clubs. As students enter middle school, their 4-H involvement lessens as many additional extracurricular activities are introduced, and monthly 4-H clubs are no longer in the classroom. This such issue was identified as a problem in dist
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Environmental Camp Success
Author: Charles Comer
Major Program: Specialty Camps (overnight camps that take place outdoors)
The four elementary schools and the Montgomery County Extension 4-H program partnered to provide an outdoor educational experience through 4-H Environmental Camp. This overnight camping experience allows young people the opportunity to learn real-life skills, build confidence through trying new things, develop self-esteem, meet new friends, and gain a sense of independence. For many of the participants, this is the first time spending a night away from home; a first time to see
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Overnight 4-H Environmental Education Camp
Author: Meagan Klee
Major Program: Specialty Camps (overnight camps that take place outdoors)
Environmental Education programs bring school children to camp to learn about the natural world out in nature. For the past two years, Casey County 4-H has coordinated a 4-H Environmental Education Field Day with the Lake Cumberland 4-H Camp.With the dedication of the Walnut Hill Elementary (WHE) teachers and staff, Casey County planned and carried out the first Overnight 4-H Environmental Education Camp in Lake Cumberland 4-H Camp history. The teaching staff at WHE worked diligently in arrangin
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Environmental Education Camp 2019
Author: Gregory Whitis
Major Program: Specialty Camps (overnight camps that take place outdoors)
Environmental Education Camp 2019Importance: McCreary County seventh grade Science teachers identified the need for environmental education of youth. Educational Program: The program presented was a three day, two night program held at the Feltner 4-H Camp. There were a total of ten day time programs and 3 night programs that each child participated in. Youth also visited a Landfill and a Recycling Center.Role of Extension: The Extension Agent recruited leaders, in
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4-H Colonial Camp
Author: Staci Thrasher
Major Program: Specialty Camps (overnight camps that take place outdoors)
In the fall of 2016, the Fleming County 4-H program was approached by the fifth grade teacher team from Flemingsburg Elementary School about what it would take to offer the overnight Colonial Camp experience to their youth. They wanted an opportunity to provide a supplemental educational experience actively utilizing and highlighting classroom curriculum to encourage information retention prior to their end of the year testing window. Coordinating with the teaching team and lo
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West Kentucky 4-H Clover Bud Family Camp
Author: Julie Brown
Major Program: Specialty Camps (overnight camps that take place outdoors)
With the primary goal of the Kentucky 4-H Clover Bud program being to promote children’s healthy development – mentally, physically, socially and emotionally, the West KY 4-H Clover Bud camp and its team of agent coordinators worked hard to provide an excellent opportunity for children ages 5-8 and their families to learn about the world around them, develop positive attitudes about learning new things by hands-on involvement, develop a deeper relationship with a caring adult and lea
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Cloverbud Camp-First time experience for many
Author: Molly Jordan
Major Program: Specialty Camps (overnight camps that take place outdoors)
Studies have proven that children involved in educational outside of school are more likely to become successful members of society. The 4-H Cloverbud Program is a way to reach kids at a younger age to get them involved in the 4-H Program. This program serves as a stepping stone to introduce youth to all the various 4-H programs and activities. In Bracken County, our Cloverbud program has been confined to afterschool activities and short summer day camps. In an effort to engage younger youth in
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