Success Stories By MajorProgram FY2019Jul 1, 2018 - Jun 30, 2019
A Historical Success Continued
Author: Leslea Barnes
Major Program: Day Camps (Out of Doors)

The Early American Heritage Project Club was something we hoped would develop from the Early American Heritage Day camp that was held last year at West KY 4-H Camp. Not only was the day camp a success, but a club developed from the day camp, and a day camp was planned again for this past spring. The Day camp was so successful last year, that a success story was written from it. We had only hoped the success would carry on through the year and it went beyond our expectations. &
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A historical success continued
Author: Adam Barnes
Major Program: Day Camps (Out of Doors)

A historical success continuedThe Early American Heritage Project Club was something we hoped would develop from the Early American Heritage Day camp that was held last year at West KY 4-H Camp. Not only was the day camp a success, but a club developed from the day camp, and a day camp was planned again for this past spring. The Day camp was so successful last year that a success story was written from it. We had only hoped the success would carry on through the year and it we
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Fulton County Summer Day Camps
Author: Bernita Cheirs
Major Program: Day Camps (Out of Doors)
According to the American Camp Association, “The camp experience is recognized by child development professionals as valuable in helping children mature socially, emotionally, intellectually, morally, and physically. Camp participants learn to problem-solve, make social adjustments to new and different people, learn responsibility, and gain new skills to increase their self-esteem." Summer day camp has so many benefits such as keeping youth unplugged, out of trouble, in a safe l
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