Success Stories By MajorProgram FY2019Jul 1, 2018 - Jun 30, 2019
Disaster Preparedness
Author: Jeremy Williams
Major Program: Disaster Preparedness
In recent years, Harlan County has faced numerous natural disasters, such as flooding, snow storms and wildfires. These events also led to power and water outages. With September being National Preparedness Month, the Harlan County Extension Service teamed up with the Harlan County Emergency Management to host a Disaster Preparedness informational workshop. During the workshop, participants learned of ways to prepare for disasters that may arise. The tips included making a plan
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Preparing for Weather Related Emergencies/ Making a Plan
Author: Linda Brown-Price
Major Program: Disaster Preparedness
Kentucky is slowly becoming part of a new "Tornado Alley" in America. A study published in the Nature Partner journal” Climate and Atmospheric Science” shows that in the last 40 years, tornadoes have increased in the Midwest and the Southeast, which has been named “Dixie Alley”. On March 2. 2012 a tornado emergency was issued for the first time in Kenton County. Three major tornadoes were confirmed not happening since 1974. Th
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SNAP backpacks help in an emergency
Author: Leslea Barnes
Major Program: Disaster Preparedness

Back to School night is a yearly function to help school aged children get back into the swing of the school year. Each year, the week before school starts, each school in our community host and evening for school children to bring in the school supplies, find their classrooms and gain information about opportunities for the upcoming school year. We, the Cooperative Extension Service, have been asked to be a part of this each year. We provide information about opportunities not
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A Game to Prepare for Animal Disasters?
Author: Roberta Dwyer
Major Program: Disaster Preparedness
Emergency managers and stakeholders in rural communities have limited resources to travel to conferences and participate in disaster exercise scenarios. A team of University of Kentucky Extension professionals (Andrea Higdon, Roberta Dwyer, Melissa Newman, Kandice Williams) obtained a federal grant to help such communities examine their local animal emergency operations plans. LADDERS is a Local Approach to Discussion-Based Disaster Exercises and Readiness. This game-based exercise has real-worl
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Whole Community Approach to Emergency Management youth exercise
Author: Melissa Morgan (Newman)
Major Program: Disaster Preparedness
Whole Community Approach to Emergency Management presents a foundation for increasing individual preparedness and engaging with members of the community as collaborative resources to enhance the resiliency and security of our communities. The youth are often ignored in these emergency discussions however they can benefit not only personally but as leaders in the future. I was asked to develop a disaster/emergency exercise for a middle school group that was studying emergency response
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