Success Stories By MajorProgram FY2019Jul 1, 2018 - Jun 30, 2019
Empowering Local Leaders
Author: Jessica Barnes
Major Program: Community Leadership Development
Civic engagement helps create and cultivate vibrant communities. Studies have shown social capital is necessary for effective government and economic development. Part of social capital is engaging in the legislative process, serving on local boards/councils, and contributing in topics important to that community.Overall in the US, social capital has been on the decline. Currently, Kentucky ranks 48th in civic health. In response to the need to increase civic engagement, the Harrison County
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Field Day
Author: Jacob Brandenburg
Major Program: Community Leadership Development
On September 28th the Lee County Extension Service along with the Lee County Extension Council hosted and promoted a mainly youth field day. The leadership of the Council found that it would be the most beneficial way to promote public relations and showcase what extension could contribute to the community. There where over eight different booths that displayed extension resources and programming (See Below). Electrical SafetyFire safety Water SafetyHemp DemonstrationLive Bee hive Demo
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Butler County Rural Development 2018-2019 year
Author: Gregory Drake
Major Program: Community Leadership Development
The Butler County Extension Council has identified community and economic development as an important issue for the extension service. It has been for many years. This year a 5th Rural Development Club has returned to operation. Gilstrap Rural Development Club is now participating in the Extension Rural Development Program. The 5 Rural Development clubs functioning here are a great example of a program that works to address rural issues. The Rural Development Program in Butler Co
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Internship Experience
Author: Camille Lambert
Major Program: Community Leadership Development
The University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service Summer Internship Program provides students with the unique opportunity of making a difference in the community as well as observing and experiencing all the responsibilities of a full-time Extension professional. Every summer several students are selected to work in counties all across the Commonwealth of Kentucky. This past summer, the Agriculture and Natural Resources Agent took on an Intern to&n
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"A Match Made In Heaven"
Author: Joyce Doyle
Major Program: Community Leadership Development

Carroll County 4-H Dog Club has been meeting for five years. Average membership is six youth who own dogs. The club is led by Suzanne Mason, a certified 4-H dog leader who also fosters dogs, especially border collies. Suzanne works with Clancy’s Dream, an organization that rescues dogs from the animal shelters. Simon was a two year old, deaf border collie who had been adopted from the animal shelter but then returned when his disability was identified. The Carroll C
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Leading Healthy Community Connections
Author: Daniel Kahl
Major Program: Community Leadership Development
Leading Healthy Community Connections is a leadership development program that grew from CEDIK facilitated Policy Systems and Environment work with Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program audiences through the Nutrition Education Program. The leadership program is designed to facilitate community members in discovering their own assets and talents and then apply them to issues within their community. Leading Healthy Community Connections is a five-meeting leadership developm
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Volunteer Appreciation Celebration
Author: Chelsea Young
Major Program: Community Leadership Development
According to the Corporation for National and Community Service, 63 million Americans volunteered in the last year. This means they contributed nearly 8 billion hours of volunteer time. We can all attest that in the Cooperative Extension world volunteers are essential and thus this is the reason volunteer appreciation is so vital to programming at, not only the local level, but the state and national levels as well. We should strive to move forward with the vision of Kentucky
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Strengthening Community Leadership - a case example.
Author: Daniel Kahl
Major Program: Community Leadership Development
UK involvement began with the 2018-19 Leadership Winchester Clark County in the spring of 2018 with a consultation with the Chamber of Commerce Director, Cindy Banks. Cindy invited me to assist with the program delivery with the class that began in August of 2018. I had worked with the previous class. Registration for this class had increased to 30, six more than the previous year. Indications were that the previous year’s participants had actively recruited more enrolled participant
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Leadership Butler County
Author: Gregory Drake
Major Program: Community Leadership Development
Leadership is crucial to the success of any community. There must be a deep pool of leaders with various backgrounds and passions to fill necessary leadership roles. Extension leadership continues to identify developing leaders as an important function of the extension service. There had not been a “leadership program” offered for the general public in Butler County for many years. The Butler County Extension Service partnered with the Morgantown-Butler
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Young Farmer Program
Author: Nick Roy
Major Program: Community Leadership Development
In Adair County, the average age of the farmer continues to increase leaving a short supply of upcoming leaders in agriculture. As part of a grassroots effort, in 2010 the Adair County Cooperative Extension Service collaborated with multiple local agriculture organizations including the Cattleman’s Association, Farm Bureau, Ag Development Council, and Extension Ag Advisory Council to develop a strategy to recruit, develop, and educate young farmers in leadership. The result was the Adair C
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Build a Bed campaign
Author: Christy Ramey
Major Program: Community Leadership Development
The Get Healthy Simpson Coalition sponsors a sixth grade health fair each year. This year was no exception however, we were without the booth where the Red Cross would be vendor. they usually give out information on preparing for emergencies by filling a back pack with supplies and keeping the bag in a location that would be easily accessible. The FCS agent, chair of the coalition was explaining this concept to two students who listened intently, but stated that keeping the bag
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The Leaders of Tomorrow
Author: Stephanie Richards
Major Program: Community Leadership Development
Pike County Extension for Fine Arts realizes that encouraging and training new, youthful leaders is important to the success and future of its programming. With this in mind, Pike County Extension for Fine Arts actively recruits students of all ages, year-round, to become volunteers and advocates for the arts. Not only is the county arts programming better for their participation, but the students benefit as well. Students learn leadership skills, gain self-esteem and real worl
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Community Celebration
Author: Sarah Imbus
Major Program: Community Leadership Development
On May 8, 1914, the Smith-Lever Act was signed into Congress to provide practical application of research knowledge and giving instruction and practical demonstration of practices in agriculture (and other related subjects) to connect with individuals in communities as an outreach of Agriculture research. Recently Extension celebrated its 150th anniversary as a Land Grant research college. President Lincoln signed the Morrill Act in 1862 to give land for public colleges with focus on agriculture
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Gallatin County Spring Peony Festival
Author: David Hull
Major Program: Community Leadership Development
Beginning in 2017, the Gallatin County Extension Council partnered with the City of Warsaw, Gallatin County Tourism, and several agencies to plan and coordinate the Gallatin County Spring Peony Festival.The festival was held in downtown Warsaw; the City of Warsaw actually closed a city street next to the Courthouse in order to expand the festival area.Festival attendance is hard to figure, but local law enforcement estimated the crowd at its peak at over 800.The 30+ vendors at the festival were
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NKY Agriculture Leadership Program Aims for the Future
Author: Lindie Huffman
Major Program: Community Leadership Development
NKY Agriculture leadership Program Aims for the Future According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, volunteerism of Americans peaked around 30% in 2004. Today, that number is 25 percent. This leadership decline is also apparent in the agriculture community. This loss of leaders coupled with the great diversity of agriculture operations here in northern Kentucky, highlight the importance of having engaged farmers in organizations, and part of the conversations around public policy that affec
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Extension Diversity and Inclusion Series: Navigating Difference in Campbell County
Author: Sarah Imbus
Major Program: Community Leadership Development
Extension Diversity and Inclusion Series was created as a result of attending the Tri-State Diversity Conference (now known as the National Land Grant Diversity Conference). Sarah Stolz and Ronda Rex attended the conference and found much needed work to be done in Campbell County on diversity and inclusion. They also realized that not everyone either in Extension or community member could attend the conference due
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