Success Stories By MajorProgram FY2018Jul 1, 2017 - Jun 30, 2018
Promoting Financial Literacy: outreach to employer site
Author: Theresa Howard
Major Program: Securing Financial Stability (general)
The LaRue County Extension Service helps promote financial literacy year-round to the public through newspaper columns and social media posts on our office Facebook page. Starting in 2016, the FCS agent offers onsite quarterly financial literacy (Moneywise) classes to employees at Nationwide Uniform. It has a diverse workforce of around 230 employees, most of which are female. Women need to plan on being single at some point in their lives, whether through divorce, widowhood or the decision
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Money Sense for Women
Author: Tiffany Bolinger
Major Program: Securing Financial Stability (general)
Finances can be a major life stressor that effects personal and family health and well-being. The poverty rate in Christian County being at 23.7% is a major concern. Money Sense for Women is a free financial forum, sponsored by the Christian County Cooperative Extension Service and other community partners, helping to increase women’s awareness of financial issues. This year the 11th Annual Event was held with the theme: Christmas in July. During the forum 85 participants were educated on
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Financial Education during Substance Use Disorder Recovery
Author: Audrey Myers
Major Program: Securing Financial Stability (general)
The state of substance use disorders (SUDs) has become a public health crisis in the United States. Despite growing efforts to combat the opioid epidemic, people with SUDs continue to demonstrate notoriously high rates of relapse (roughly 40-60%) that are comparable to other chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, and asthma. Research shows that individuals with SUDs are especially vulnerable to relapse during early stages of recovery. This increased risk of relapse is due, in par
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Stretching Your Holiday Dollar
Author: Linda Combs
Major Program: Securing Financial Stability (general)
According to data from the US Census in 2015 - 28.1 percent of Knott County residents lived in poverty.Holidays are often an exciting time of the year. However, the holidays can also represent added stress due to holiday spending. Many individuals, families and households neglect budgeting for holiday spending. To assist individuals in understanding and responding to financial stress resulting from holiday expenses Family & Consumer Science Agents traveled to 8 counties in Distri
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Budgeting at the Shepherd's House
Author: Alethea Price
Major Program: Securing Financial Stability (general)
In the current economy, financial stability is important. That stability rests with families securing and managing their basic human needs of food, clothing, and shelter. Increasing buying power with wise consumer decision-making, avoiding pitfalls of overextended credit, developing saving habits, and managing financial risks are topics taught by Family and Consumer Sciences Extension.Where Does Your Money Go? curriculum was offered to individuals in a recovery program through the Shepherd
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Harrison County Identity Theft Program
Author: Benita Peoples
Major Program: Securing Financial Stability (general)
In an era of financial scams and fraudulent schemes, 116 individuals attended the Theft Identity program in an effort to learn more about securing and maintaining their financial security. Guest speakers Jim Braden with Kentucky Bank and Loren Carl, a retired Federal Marshall, presented information on protecting one’s credit cards and tips on how to protect oneself from possible fraudulent activity. Participants received information on current scams, how to protect their credit cards in on
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Let the Consumer Be Aware
Author: Janey Cline
Major Program: Securing Financial Stability (general)
Physical abuse is quickly being surpassed by financial abuse of our elderly population. This common form of abuse is estimated to cost victims $2.6 billion a year. The loss of finances related to scams not only creates a financial hardship for the victim but also take an emotional toll. To address the elderly financial abuse issue in the Mammoth Cave area Mammoth Cave Homemakers along with Hart County Grandparents Raising Grandchildren, Community Action Financial Planning participates, 
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Home Security
Author: Linda Brown-Price
Major Program: Securing Financial Stability (general)
As heroin continues to be a growing problem in Kenton County rising to epidemic proportions, home burglaries are on the rise. More than 70 burglaries were reported in Kenton County in 2013 (Source WXIX TV Station). A class on home security was taught to residents to help address this issue. Topics discussed included: what to do if you are locked out of your house; security measures to practice; and having a plan for your home and possessions. A plan might include: v
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Surviving the Holidays
Author: Rebecca Miller
Major Program: Securing Financial Stability (general)
With the holidays being a time when most people find themselves in debt, over spending on gifts, food, and entertainment, the Bell County Cooperative Extension Service conducted a workshop on “Surviving the Holiday Season”. Extension council members and the Family and Consumer Science Advisory Council asked for this program to be implemented to help families alleviate the financial stress and pressures that come with the holiday season. 6
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Holiday Road Show
Author: Laken Campbell
Major Program: Securing Financial Stability (general)
Holiday Road Show: Stretching your Holiday DollarHolidays are often an exciting time of the year. However, the holidays can also represent added stress due to holiday spending. Many individuals, families and households neglect budgeting for holiday spending. To assist individuals in understanding and responding to financial stress resulting from holiday expenses, the Lee County Extension Office hosted the Holiday Road Show: Stretching Your Holiday Dollar financial program for the Hom
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Holiday Ideas
Author: Danielle Barrett
Major Program: Securing Financial Stability (general)
Limited income and resources brings overwhelming stress to many individuals and families throughout the year and especially at the holiday season. For the second year, Knox and Whitley FCS Agents partnered to present a special workshop for the holidays. This workshop included presentations on: traditional, inexpensive recipes made healthier; holiday food safety; inexpensive gifts to make; and decorations made with things on hand. 40 people attended, and the holiday workshop was deemed a huge suc
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Stretching Your Holiday Dollar
Author: Nanette Banks
Major Program: Securing Financial Stability (general)
Holidays are often an exciting time of the year. However, the holidays can also represent added stress due to holiday spending. Many individuals, families and households neglect budgeting for holiday spending. To assist individuals in understanding and responding to financial stress resulting from holiday expenses, the Letcher County Extension Office hosted Stretching Your Holiday Dollar financial program for the Letcher County Extension Homemakers. Emphasis was placed on under
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Author: Sarah Congleton
Major Program: Securing Financial Stability (general)

According to, fewer than half of high school students across the country feel they are ready for college and careers. An overwhelming number of students, 87%, want to eventually earn a college degree and land a career. But many believe that their schools are not helping them develop the skills they’ll need to succeed after graduation.Approximately 30% of college students do not know how to boil an egg and 52% don't know how to change a tire. To address this issue, Martin C
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Managing Holiday Expenses
Author: Joan Bowling
Major Program: Securing Financial Stability (general)
Teenagers in limited resource families are faced with nonacademic barriers to learning that may carry over into adulthood impacting future success unless programs are in place to assist in the transition. In an effort to address some of these barriers, the Family and Consumer Sciences agent and the Youth Service Center coordinator at the local high school have partnered to offer monthly programs throughout the school year for a group of 12 referred students. The programs taught incl
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Savvy Sellers and Bargain Hunters
Author: Karen Denniston
Major Program: Securing Financial Stability (general)
Savvy Sellers and Bargain HuntersThe days of reselling items and purchasing used items has changed tremendously in the past five years. There are more options and benefits. The National Association of Resale and Thrift Shops report that resale stores in the U.S. are a multi-billion dollar a year industry and online resales are becoming a huge money maker for both the industry and the seller.Changes in the economy have forced many individuals to reduce spending in order manage their finance
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Professional Clothing Closet Opens in Collaboration with Community College and Adult Education
Author: Dayna Fentress
Major Program: Securing Financial Stability (general)
In a survey of top leaders and elected officials in Hardin County, they were asked about the top 3 issues they believe Hardin County is and will continue to face in the future. Consistently, workforce development was listed. It was unanimous after discussion that workforce development is our top concern. We have a large number of industry jobs available, with no seemingly willing candidates to take them.In a further discussion with leaders and hiring managers, it was brought to our attention tha
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Captain Cash: Youth Financial Management Education
Author: Natalie Taul
Major Program: Securing Financial Stability (general)
Learning critical money management concepts as youth has impact on adult behaviors. Attitudes and habits surrounding financial management are shaped in the home, the community, and in the media. If youth are surrounded by unhealthy financial habits, those habits follow them into adulthood leading them down a difficult path. The Captain Cash youth financial curriculum is designed to teach students basic financial management skills through 4interactive classroom sessions. Each session focuses on a
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Maximizing Your Dollars in Retirement
Author: Edith Lovett
Major Program: Securing Financial Stability (general)
More than 300 participants learned how to identify different types of expenses, such as fixed, flexible and occasional expenses from the classes on Maximizing Your Dollars in Retirement. They also were encouraged to plan and save for those occasional expenses, and buy those occasional items when they are on sale at stores, such as Christmas decorations, wrapping paper, Halloween Decorations, birthday gifts etc. Participants that work at a regular job responded they were already livin
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Scams and Finances
Author: Jennifer Bridge
Major Program: Securing Financial Stability (general)
One of the needs identified by the Meade County Extension Homemakers Council related to scams targeting the elderly. Unfortunately, a couple of members had experiences which resulted in a loss of valuable funds. To address the issue, the council management and safety chairman worked with the extension family and consumer sciences agent to address to topic. After discussing various avenues it was determined one of the most accurate ways to educate consumers was to secure a speak
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Job Fair Increases Employment in Livingston County
Author: Morgan Rousseau
Major Program: Securing Financial Stability (general)
Livingston County Family and Consumer Sciences Extension partnered with the Grand Rivers Chamber of Commerce and Kentucky Career Center to host a Spring Job Fair. Thirteen local employers were on sight recruiting new employees to fill 200 job vacancies. These thirteen employers represent 10 career pathway sectors and had jobs available for persons 16 years of age and older. There were 57 job seekers in attendance, with 48 of those applying for one or more jobs on-site. Through an informal
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Consumer Fraud and Protection
Author: Kelli Bonifer
Major Program: Securing Financial Stability (general)
Consumer Fraud is a continuing problem nationwide. In 2014, the Consumer Sentinel Network received over 2.5 million complaints, not including unwanted phone calls. Identity theft remains the No. 1 consumer complaint area; 13 percent of all consumer complaints were related to identity theft. To educate our communities, the Lake Cumberland Area Extension Agents for Family and Consumer Sciences, asked the Attorney General, Andy Beshear to present an educational program. Over 100 people attended. A
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Consumer Fraud and Protection
Author: Audrey Myers
Major Program: Securing Financial Stability (general)
Consumer Fraud is a continuing problem nationwide. In 2014, the Consumer Sentinel Network received over 2.5 million complaints, not including unwanted phone calls. Identity theft remains the No. 1 consumer complaint area; 13 percent of all consumer complaints were related to identity theft. To educate our communities, the Lake Cumberland Area Extension Agents for Family and Consumer Sciences, asked the Attorney General, Andy Beshear to present an educational program to the Lake Cumberland Extens
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Make Ahead Meals Help the Consumer Wallet
Author: Amanda Broderick
Major Program: Securing Financial Stability (general)

It seems like we are all in a hurry to get out the door in the morning, so for many individuals making your lunch for the day may not fit into their already crunched morning routine. This leads to people turning to fast food for what seems like a quick and cheap lunch option. While it may be quick, it certainly isn’t healthy and it especially isn't cheaper. It’s been estimated that the average American spends approximately $1,200 on fast food annually- so those dollar menu deals
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Technology Skills Classes
Author: Alivia Faris
Major Program: Securing Financial Stability (general)
Technology Skills ClassesAccording to the 2017 Internet Crime Report by the Federal Bureau of Investigation Kentucky is reported as being 29th (out of the 50 United States and U.S. Territories) in the number of reported cybercrime victims. This resulted in an estimated loss of $7,220,342 for Kentucky residence. This information, along with the frequency of request by local community members to host a class that explained technology applications in day- to-day life began the collaboration fo
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Financial Struggles Facing An Aging Population
Author: Linda Brown-Price
Major Program: Securing Financial Stability (general)
As the baby boomer generation reaches retirement age and begins preparing to retire early or face retirement, most face critical financial struggles and need to make life-altering decisions regarding their financial future. Questions arise concerning estate planning, when to begin social security benefits, and investment issues. The Kenton County Extension Office, Kentucky State Area Specialist, collaborated with subject matter experts to present up-to-date information on these topics.Sixty-thre
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Money Habitudes
Author: Deborah Messenger
Major Program: Securing Financial Stability (general)
Financial and health outcomes have often been used as indicators for child well-being and potential. Children are more likely to succeed when they are surrounded my families who are financially secure; however, the state of Kentucky consistently ranks in the bottom 20% of states, with children living in families with incomes at or above the poverty line. Research continuously has linked financial security with child’s health safety. For example, children from low-income families are often
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Financial Goal Setting
Author: Diana Doggett
Major Program: Securing Financial Stability (general)
Financial Goal SettingFinancial goal setting is often considered to be one of the keys to developing financial security. Research indicates that people who set goals are more successful financially.Planning a goal vision board is a helpful way to provide clarity and focus to written financial goals. Fayette County Family and Consumer Sciences Extension taught goal setting using SMART (Specific, Measureable, Attainable, Relevant, Timed) goal components to Central KY county extension audiences tot
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Crafternoon at library
Author: Thays Flores
Major Program: Securing Financial Stability (general)
Over the last five years library programs per capita have grown at a rate of 6.3%. People are not viewing libraries as just a place for books anymore. Libraries are now offering more programs of all sorts, whether they be technology programs, or small business centers, to virtual access to e-books and digital materials. For this reason, the Estill County FCS agent and the library collaborated to bring a program called Crafternoons at the library. The lessons taught at these programs vary dependi
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Electric Pressure Cookers
Author: Kelli Bonifer
Major Program: Securing Financial Stability (general)
According to the Consumer Expenditure Survey, in 2016 American families spent an average of $7,230 on food; 44% was spent on food that was eaten away from home. Using an electric pressure cooker allows home cooks to prepare healthy meals quickly and could reduce the amount of money spent on food eaten away from home.Many electric pressure cookers function as a rice cooker, an electric skillet, a yogurt maker, a steamer and a slow cooker in addition to an electric pressure cooker. There
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Financial Literacy for Homebuyers
Author: Leslie Workman
Major Program: Securing Financial Stability (general)
The Pike County Extension Service has been collaborating with Sandy Valley Habitat for Humanity since 1996 in many different facets. By providing Family & Consumer Sciences programming to families during the Jimmy Carter Blitz Build of 1997, new homeowners were trained on essentials like understanding mortgages, laundry and home care, weatherproofing and household budgeting. That project alone housed over 20 families and began a stable foundation for Habitat for Humanit
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Helping Families Prepare for Back to School
Author: Judith O'Bryan
Major Program: Securing Financial Stability (general)
Many families struggle each year with their finances and back to school season can be a real hardship for families that are barely managing to pay their bills. In order to help these families First Baptist Church of London started a “free-for-all.” For four hours on a Sunday afternoon and evening, families were invited to the church to take advantage of free school supplies, free haircuts, free dental care and more. The Family and Consumer Sciences Agent was contact
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NEVERTHELESS SHE PERSISTED: Women Still Embracing the Entrepreneurial Spirit in the 21st Century
Author: Tamera Magee
Major Program: Securing Financial Stability (general)
The Franklin Co. FCS program hosted an entrepreneurial brunch, presentation, and panel discussion to provide women with a format to find out what it takes to see their business idea grow from start-up to flourishing. In addition to the brunch, women were able to network with other women, gain educational knowledge from local women and outside of the county. The program included a very timely and inspiring portrayal of Kentucky's own Nancy Green entitled: Being Aunt Jemima, the Pa
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The Good Credit Game- Hickman/Carlisle Counties
Author: Melissa Goodman
Major Program: Securing Financial Stability (general)

The Good Credit Game – Hickman/Carlisle Counties (2018) Credit is an integral part of our society, but unfortunately many people do not understand how credit scores and credit reports can affect our day-to-day lives. What goes on a credit report, how that report becomes a credit score and what behaviors can improve or lower that score is often a mystery to most people. Credit impacts the lives of many people regardless of age, education, and financial means. To addres
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#Adulting Program: Real World Life Skills for Launching Adults in Hickman County
Author: Melissa Goodman
Major Program: Securing Financial Stability (general)
After seeing statistics of how poorly college students were prepared for the real world of, "#Adulting," the Hickman County Family and Consumer Sciences Program decided to facilitate a two day workshop based on the Hardin County FCS model to begin to address the issue. Topics like what is credit, how to sew on a button, how to plan a budget, how to cook basic meals, how to change a tire and check fluids, how to do use table manners and more were addressed. The 2 day program was taught
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