Success Stories By MajorProgram FY2019Jul 1, 2018 - Jun 30, 2019
Expanding Agriculture Opportunities related to Economic Development
Author: Curtis Dame
Major Program: Ag Marketing
Agriculture and natural resources play a major, but hidden role in most local economies. The attributes that define this segment of the economy are easy to overlook given the fact that they are not in the form of large building projects, but rather standing trees or increasing numbers of cattle of local farms. With that said, efforts have been made locally by staff at the Hopkins County Cooperative Extension Service to provide data and assistance to local economic development authorities to help
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2nd Annual Wave Ag Day
Author: Benjamin Rudy
Major Program: Ag Marketing
With 83.53% of the land in all four river counties used for crop production, agriculture holds a strong presence. AG Day is to highlight agriculture in Ballard, Carlisle, Fulton, and Hickman County. The 2nd year for the event, WAVE River Counties AG Day, was held at Carlisle County Fairgrounds in Bardwell, KY on July 19 from 7:30 am to 2:00 pm. The theme “Lets Grow With It” was chosen again. The WAVE Ag Day was a joint venture including all four county judge executives, the
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Spencer County Farm to Table
Author: Bryce Roberts
Major Program: Ag Marketing
Purchasing locally produced items continues to gain momentum and the Spencer County Cooperative Extension Service hosted our sixth annual Farm to Table Meal in September 2018 to highlight that healthy meals can be produced solely by products grown in Spencer County. A committee made of members of all of the Extension Program councils worked with a well-known local chef and members of the Taylorsville Farmers Market to plan and host a 5 course Italian dinner. All of the food prepared and served b
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Farm to Fork
Author: Christan Miracle
Major Program: Ag Marketing
Farm to Fork Field Day is a program that teaches 5th grade students across the county about agriculture and food in their community. In our rural community there is a need to teach youth about where their food comes from. Giving real life examples of many different food products is one way to show the students how their food gets to them. Reinforcing the information with take home items such as coloring books, handouts with literature, key chains, and other goodie bag items also keeps the messag
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Richmond CPH-45 Sale
Author: Brandon Sears
Major Program: Ag Marketing
The annual Richmond CPH-45 feeder calf sale was held at the Bluegrass Stockyards of Richmond LLC on December 11th, 2018. With assistance from the KY Beef Network, KY Department of Agriculture, Bluegrass Stockyards of Richmond, and nearby Cooperative Extension Agents, the Madison County Extension ANR agent provided leadership and coordinated receiving cattle for the sale. Approximately 28 field inspections of cattle were made, two BQA trainings provided and assistance was given in ear
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Agricultuture Education is vital to our youth
Author: Chadwick Conway
Major Program: Ag Marketing
In today’s society, fewer children growing up in Eastern Kentucky have the opportunity to experience and gain knowledge in the food production industry. This is due to many of them being unaware of where their food is derived from and how it gets from one farmer’s field to a consumer’s table. By participating in Pumpkin Days as part of Mountain Ag Week at RCARS, children from the ages of three to six years old and their parents are able to receive an up close and personal look
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Marketing Value of Warren County Agriculture Facebook Page
Author: Joanna Coles
Major Program: Ag Marketing
Facebook has over 2.32 billion active users and represents a huge potential for outreach for the Cooperative Extension Service. Since July of 2016, the Warren County Agriculture’s Facebook page has increased its scope and interaction. The page has focused on timely agriculture and horticulture educational information, promotion of events, agriculture awareness campaigns, and recognition of local farmers. From July 2018-March 2019, outreach for the Warren County Agricultur
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Henry County Youth Livestock Foundation
Author: Levi Berg
Major Program: Ag Marketing
Due to Henry County’s topography and soil, animal production has always been strong with in Henry County. According to the 2012 Census of Agriculture, Henry County has nearly $12,277,000 in animal sales, and the average age of the farmer is 57.6 years old according to the USDA Census of Agriculture. With this knowledge, the Henry County Extension Office wanted to find ways to encourage youth to begin or stay in animal agriculture. The Henry County Extension Office decided to partner with l
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2018 Women in Ag Conference
Author: Benjamin Rudy
Major Program: Ag Marketing

The University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Services in Carlisle, Ballard, Hickman, and Fulton counties along with the Farm Service Agency, hosted the 2018 Four River Counties Women in Agriculture Conference. This year it was held at the Clinton Methodist Church. There were 62 ladies in attendance. The program included Tools for the Marketing Toolbox: Alex Hayes, Floral Design by Teresa Crouse, WAVE Overview with Hannah Chretien, and a Tax Update, followed by an update fro
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Value of Media In Agriculture Awareness Efforts
Author: Joanna Coles
Major Program: Ag Marketing
Agriculture awareness was the top priority of the Warren County Ag. Advisory Council. The council wanted to see an increase in media and social media presence over the next four years. Warren County Agriculture has increased media presence and captured value from this increased awareness. TV: Farm and Home Show (5 min daily WBKO) Last year in cooperation with WBKO management we earned a better time slot and tripled our daily reac
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Pasture to Plate Program
Author: Douglas Shepherd
Major Program: Ag Marketing
One of the largest years in number of cattle consigned to the Pasture-to-Plate Beef Retained Ownership Program conducted in cooperation with Iowa State University and the Tri-County Steer Carcass Futurity Coop. Loads shipped in July, November, December, January, March, and June. 506 head shipped from producers in Hardin, LaRue, Grayson, and Barren Counties. Four new consignors. Feedlot tour conducted for interested consignors in December. UK Specialist participated
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Emphasizing the Importance of the Evolution of Agriculture in Boone County
Author: Michelle Simon
Major Program: Ag Marketing
Boone County, Kentucky is best described as unique in many different aspects. This county has a rich and diverse history of agriculture despite the spread of industrial and suburban growth. 65% of Boone County is thriving farmland which shows that agriculture has adapted to survive in the changing landscape of Boone County. Honoring a request from the Boone County Historical Society, Boone County ANR Agent developed a presentation discussing the evolution of agriculture over the last 100 years a
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Risk management to protect working capital and profitability
Author: Todd Davis
Major Program: Ag Marketing
This program builds on the risk management workshops delivered in Spring 2016. An applied research program that simulates farm-level yield and price risk is incorporated into the educational program to illustrate better and educate farmers on how risk tools can be used to preserve working capital during multiple-year periods of low prices. Many young farmers are frustrated that risk management tools do not fully compensate when there is low yields or low prices. This educational program hel
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Crop Outlook and Risk Management Update Webinars
Author: Todd Davis
Major Program: Ag Marketing
I delivered five webinars providing farmers, extension agents, agricultural lenders, and farm policymakers on the commodity outlook for corn, soybeans, and wheat from November 2018 to May 2019. The extraordinary amount of rain that delayed harvest and delayed planting is providing marketing and risk management opportunities for Kentucky grain farmers to lock in better than expected profitability. These webinars have been well received and will continue in the 2019-20 fiscal year.
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Crops Marketing and Management Update
Author: Todd Davis
Major Program: Ag Marketing
I continued to deliver a monthly newsletter, the Crops Marketing and Management Update, to inform ANR agents, farmers, and agricultural lenders on new USDA reports, price risk management opportunities, and emerging issues in crop marketing and management. Every ANR agent in District 6 and District 7 receive the newsletter along with agents in other districts who are interested in this information. Fifty-one ANR agents receive this monthly newsletter with sixteen agents responding that they
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West Ky Hemp Conference
Author: Samuel Cofield
Major Program: Ag Marketing
Industrial Hemp has been a long standing tradition in Kentucky. In the 19th and 20th century Kentucky was the world leader in hemp production. Then in the 1970’s the war on drugs outlawed the sale and production of cannabis sativa and made it a schedule 1 substance. In 2014 a bill was passed that allowed Kentucky to start growing and researching hemp development and production to offset a slowing tobacco industry. In 2014 there were 20 approved growers and 33 acres
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment