Success Stories By MajorProgram FY2019Jul 1, 2018 - Jun 30, 2019
KYH2O Podcast Series - Update
Author: Carmen Agouridis
Major Program: Backyard Streams
The KYH2O podcast series is designed to provide the listener, in a 10-20-minute timeframe, with information on water-related topics, an understanding of why the topic is of importance, and information on how citizens can modify their behavior to protect water resources and the environment. Podcasts include a mixture of in-the-field expert interviews interspersed with discussions between the hosts, Drs. Carmen Agouridis and Amanda Gumbert. Drs. Agouridis and Gumbert help frame podcast topic, prov
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Ecological Research Education Center Stream Restoration Project
Author: Carmen Agouridis
Major Program: Backyard Streams

Dr. Phil Crowley, former Director of the Ecological Research Education Center (EREC) approached me a couple of years ago regarding possibilities to restore a small intermittent stream on their property with the goal of conducting salamander research. I worked with Dr. Crowley over the past three years to secure funding and permits for the project, identified external designers/contractors, and coordinated with the design/build team to lead the design of the project. As of June 28, 2019, the proj
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Ag Water Quality - continued collaborative efforts with KY Dairy Development Council (KDDC)
Author: Tammy Brewster-Barnes
Major Program: Backyard Streams
Some dairy producers are non-compliant with KY State permitting laws and the Ag Water Quality law. Many of these producers are non-traditional and under-served communities such the Mennonite and Amish. In collaboration with the KDDC members of these communities as well as other dairy producers were given workshops about the AWQP and the KY Nutrient Management plan (KYNMP). Many producers updated or developed an AWQP at the workshops and were able to provide some information to start to develop a
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Redwood Rain Garden
Author: Amanda Gumbert
Major Program: Backyard Streams
As impervious surfaces increase in urban areas stormwater management likewise becomes increasingly important. A rain garden is an example of a stormwater best management practice to protect water quality in urban landscapes. Students at Redwood Cooperative School in Lexington, KY, identified the need for a rain garden at their school. With the help of their school director, Redwood leadership team students requested the assistance of an Extension Specialist for Water Quality at the University of
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Author: Amanda Gumbert
Major Program: Backyard Streams
In an era of instant information availability, Extension personnel must deliver subject matter content in a readily available format that appeals to a highly digitized audience. Extension specialists at the University of Kentucky College of Agriculture, Food & Environment recognized the need to deliver water-related information to Kentucky residents right to their smartphones and partnered with communications specialists to develop the podcast KYH2O. Modest external funding was acquired to d
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