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Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2018 - Jun 30, 2019

Statistical Contacts by Major Program for FY2019Jul 1, 2018 - Jun 30, 2019

Major Program Days FTE Multistate Total Contacts White Black Asian/Pacific Islander Native American Indian/Alaska Native Hawaiian Multi/Two or More Races Cannot be determined Other/Choose Not to Identify Non-Hispanic Hispanic Male Female Number of Adult Volunteers Number of Youth Participants (18 and under) Number of Indirect Contacts
Summer Residential Camps 1873.5 8.217 0 182664 168675 7519 1098 267 17 0 2616 2449 179487 3154 76782 105882 19062 127578 234743
Community Strategic Planning 195 0.855 9.625 4239 3782 335 19 3 2 0 36 3 4161 19 1709 2530 836 215 19079
Backyard Streams 145.95999 0.640 15.599999 3781 3422 289 43 7 0 0 20 0 3662 119 1710 2071 127 486 107347
Day Camps (Out of Doors) 146.875 0.644 0 7430 5956 1357 44 5 1 0 49 18 7201 229 3255 4175 867 5459 10601
Ag Water Quality Program 493.875 2.166 54.625 13616 12278 1164 47 2 2 0 104 19 13566 50 6776 6840 123 904 103233
Community Analysis 118 0.518 1.75 3089 2881 147 3 0 0 0 16 0 3011 36 1228 1861 89 2 11001
Specialty Camps (overnight camps that take place outdoors) 237.375 1.041 0 11546 10573 468 136 5 0 0 21 22 10942 283 4789 6757 2359 8876 27644
Urban Environments (water issues) 415.725 1.823 35 9587 9155 265 42 3 0 0 37 85 9521 66 4976 4611 1277 20 76087
Beef 4209.375 18.462 135.125 229492 218486 5910 118 32 14 0 4512 166 228227 1011 149641 79851 2221 8814 2396159
Dairy 548.375 2.405 21 15332 14620 682 7 0 0 0 16 7 15297 35 7719 7613 136 1734 382741
Local Food Systems 1906.125 8.360 87.375 90378 81661 2887 540 30 3 0 5087 95 89239 1064 44656 45722 1006 9368 1295954
Home & Consumer Horticulture 8011.875 35.140 55.35 775723 249826 7918 2027 98 21 0 512084 1208 770729 2453 324815 450908 6100 23190 10726385
Master Gardener 1213.125 5.321 37.5 48117 43032 2027 451 71 34 0 2384 78 47408 669 15594 32523 8273 1653 53721
Pesticide Safety – Plant Pests 270.375 1.186 2.25 23535 20474 2586 7 1 0 0 453 14 23418 117 13736 9799 37 243 77861
Chemical Crop Management Tools 126.625 0.555 3.5 4062 3981 69 1 1 0 0 1 9 4036 26 3295 767 7 1 32160
Integrated Plant Pest Management 829.75 3.639 155 13428 7145 96 4 1 0 0 6173 9 13403 25 11280 2148 9 16 613326
Pesticide Safety – Livestock Pests 21 0.092 0 2755 2251 504 0 0 0 0 0 0 2755 0 1160 1595 0 0 5807
Chemical Livestock Management Tools 5.375 0.024 0 186 164 15 1 0 0 0 0 6 184 2 120 66 2 2 61
Commercial Horticulture 2481.425 10.883 164.975 345914 49327 1567 116 7 7 0 294687 134 345046 799 158549 187365 331 2882 1184427
Commercial Horticulture - Landscape Ecosystems 355.75 1.560 83.375 5553 5195 209 89 0 1 0 53 1 5392 156 3797 1756 41 38 200
Commercial Horticulture - Crop Marketing 364.05 1.597 0.675 1966 986 44 4 0 0 0 158 774 1957 9 901 1065 9 2 163667
Farmer's Markets 1200.875 5.267 6.375 109218 103773 3462 732 10 2 0 826 209 107435 1579 45918 63300 1014 5392 1279144
Sustainable Agriculture 3129.25 13.725 30.5 160306 149210 4536 233 81 2 0 5647 144 158360 1493 95026 65280 1451 8340 7028342
Grain Crops 3474.425 15.239 198.65 240234 151510 5133 27 4 4 0 83296 20 239583 411 149834 90400 141 553 716284
Farm Management 4677.875 20.517 47.275 97731 92488 2505 118 14 5 0 2341 112 97275 308 64745 32986 128 757 704523
Ag Marketing 788.375 3.458 33.75 23630 22559 455 24 4 0 0 565 23 23550 80 15554 8076 262 805 180309
Ag Policy 296 1.298 1.625 14178 13870 277 28 1 1 0 0 1 14125 53 8537 5641 278 337 47445
ANR Biotechnology 149.875 0.657 47 1193 1026 118 38 2 1 0 2 4 1149 42 585 608 25 3 371835
Data Management & Tech 37.625 0.165 0 580 546 26 2 2 2 0 2 0 561 19 313 267 0 92 24500
Forestry Industry Education 896.875 3.934 119.25 36661 35984 347 51 13 2 0 71 159 36539 88 28431 8230 90 776 57030
KSU Small Farm Program 1380.25 6.054 156 29281 20233 8092 316 103 6 0 441 89 28900 380 14952 14329 155 2439 17692
Woodland Education 814.875 3.574 35.375 50809 50386 213 38 1 0 0 153 18 50733 76 35159 15650 85 5008 489560
Kentucky Extension Leadership Development (KELD): Developing Core Leadership Skills 120.625 0.529 0 2781 2353 97 31 0 0 0 300 0 2734 47 1074 1707 631 351 922
Champion Food Volunteers 27.375 0.120 0 1289 1102 184 3 0 0 0 0 0 1272 17 431 858 267 45 175
Master Clothing Volunteer 223.125 0.979 0 5504 4463 121 2 0 0 0 75 1 4646 16 245 5259 637 123 2972
Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association 3189 13.987 1 121533 113207 3186 417 43 12 0 2153 225 118820 423 13796 107737 15774 1785 398723
Forestry and Natural Resource Professional Education 89.25 0.391 12.25 1822 1729 45 13 0 0 0 32 3 1816 6 1032 790 13 33 721
Empowering Community Leaders (general) 1347.25 5.909 7.25 46731 42996 1957 193 12 4 0 476 11 45282 367 15409 31322 4047 2105 252980
Wildlife Habitat and Damage Management Education 159.125 0.698 26 16096 15885 172 19 3 0 0 14 3 16061 35 11839 4257 52 3548 716381
Keys to Embracing Aging 65.375 0.287 0 2324 2298 24 0 1 0 0 0 0 2322 1 228 2096 92 0 550
Youth Forestry and Natural Resource Education 596.25 2.615 19 33116 31391 1551 112 2 0 0 22 36 32453 661 15767 17349 1092 14035 45036
Prepare to Care 16.625 0.073 0.5 419 401 16 2 0 0 0 0 0 417 2 78 341 8 0 22500
Community Leadership Development 800 3.509 54.25 28685 26910 1370 96 15 2 0 161 90 28345 299 12157 16528 3565 2673 193649
Breakfast with the Arts 5.875 0.026 0 1753 1734 18 1 0 0 0 0 0 1744 9 773 980 28 1417 100
Logging Training and Professional Education 16 0.070 1 572 572 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 572 0 523 49 6 0 93
Know the 10 Signs 10.5 0.046 0 84 82 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 84 0 15 69 8 0 25958
Artistic Skill Development 329.875 1.447 22 8448 8162 187 79 2 0 0 4 5 8310 129 1924 6524 989 2761 70977
Traditions 37.875 0.166 0 1135 1111 19 2 0 0 0 0 2 1134 0 101 1034 28 35 10120
Community Engagement 1569.375 6.883 30.625 182269 115252 4325 323 62 8 0 57826 4019 179938 1877 95759 86510 5816 17872 1765496
Embracing Life as We Age (general) 638.875 2.802 44 21090 18787 1053 119 24 4 0 0 84 19846 225 4812 16278 812 281 74141
Increasing Access to Quality Arts Experiences 163.625 0.718 14 13520 11318 152 32 3 5 0 2001 3 13405 109 5025 8495 1021 3372 492482
Get Moving Kentucky (Physical Activity Based Programs) 197 0.864 9.375 12935 12410 374 30 8 0 0 0 109 12704 227 4089 8846 873 3892 268341
Truth and Consequences: The Choice is Yours 172.125 0.755 0 14040 12735 658 74 15 4 0 447 107 13544 496 5962 8078 2190 9215 9493
Volunteer Engagement in the Arts 31.75 0.139 0.25 1131 1115 14 0 0 1 0 0 0 1120 10 343 788 620 135 3876
Weight the Reality Series 59.875 0.263 0 1084 1045 35 2 0 0 0 0 0 1072 10 79 1005 8 11 18541
Faithful Families 51.625 0.226 0 678 639 30 1 0 0 0 0 7 677 0 127 551 127 124 15805
Taking Ownership of Your Diabetes Program (Curriculum) 81.375 0.357 0 1517 1319 19 0 0 0 0 0 6 1341 3 294 1223 90 0 103441
Mastering Food Choices 31.875 0.140 0 1599 1478 77 3 2 2 0 36 1 1564 35 578 1021 44 644 2988
Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices (general) 3757 16.478 181 289918 251326 14616 669 150 91 0 21753 900 284083 5422 103724 186194 3229 45854 6481678
Nurturing Parenting 157.625 0.691 0.5 3990 3638 306 9 0 1 0 0 29 3884 99 1393 2597 60 389 35052
Arts and Community Health 110.875 0.486 4 1900 1868 24 5 0 0 0 1 1 1891 8 670 1230 161 259 48866
Keys to Great Parenting 25.625 0.112 0 312 191 15 2 1 3 0 100 0 303 9 99 213 9 34 77
Blue To You 6.875 0.030 0 338 335 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 338 0 5 333 4 57 3200
Grandparents and Grandchildren Together 62 0.272 2 1626 1473 136 8 0 0 0 9 0 1616 10 363 1263 45 58 30572
Nurturing Fathers 75.625 0.332 0 1298 1145 151 0 0 0 0 0 0 1277 19 651 647 15 210 6523
Relationship Smart Plus 3.0 32.375 0.142 0 1164 956 205 0 0 0 0 0 3 1026 138 470 694 24 135 41634
Nurturing Families (general) 2237.75 9.815 185.75 116066 97913 12288 545 136 37 0 3134 1913 113684 2282 41733 74333 1814 12009 897316
Help Yourself to a Healthy Home Series 8.75 0.038 0 243 228 10 3 0 0 0 0 0 240 1 35 208 5 18 65
Bedrooms, Bathrooms & Beyond: Home Accessibility 8.875 0.039 0 216 210 4 0 0 0 0 0 2 216 0 34 182 22 0 0
Disaster Preparedness 137 0.601 97 1782 1352 109 2 1 5 0 308 4 1772 9 792 990 2 67 22124
Home Energy Management 12.875 0.056 0 1482 1263 17 0 0 2 0 200 0 1462 20 536 946 152 125 34210
Environmental Sustainability & Responsibility 116.625 0.512 5 6403 3931 378 16 0 1 0 165 1912 6029 374 2881 3522 277 3735 37637
Promoting Healthy Homes and Communities (general) 1297.75 5.692 174.125 94559 83554 3193 254 37 4 0 5248 153 91638 805 27067 67492 1406 9997 967223
Small Steps to Health & Wealth 16.625 0.073 0 447 418 11 0 0 1 0 0 17 447 0 141 306 13 2 20
Estate Planning 19.875 0.087 0 778 762 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 777 1 195 583 10 0 6955
Good Credit Game 15 0.066 0 470 431 35 3 1 0 0 0 0 460 10 164 306 7 238 24
Real Skills for Everyday Life 244.25 1.071 15 5945 5134 737 34 1 1 0 7 28 5761 181 2026 3919 445 2025 10831
Managing in Tough Times 58 0.254 1.875 2921 2699 198 9 0 0 0 6 9 2903 18 858 2063 30 22 525340
Securing Financial Stability (general) 878.25 3.852 25 22648 19297 2622 162 6 12 0 445 41 21842 743 6646 16002 660 3455 747381
Plate It Up! Kentucky Proud 422.375 1.853 0.625 20360 18740 837 68 4 0 0 691 12 20083 269 6788 13572 389 1856 539743
Food Preservation 590.25 2.589 0 9943 9554 209 45 4 0 0 89 3 9845 59 2655 7288 130 343 267889
Youth Fruit & Vegetable Access 449.875 1.973 1.5 41193 36660 3733 199 30 2 0 257 312 39536 1657 18110 23083 1085 30486 108616
Maternal & Infant Nutrition 9.375 0.041 0 590 508 51 0 0 0 0 0 31 585 5 174 416 40 113 57
Food Preparation 818.5 3.590 1.625 24307 22367 1475 129 21 14 0 44 179 23821 408 7064 17243 1586 4880 450851
Accessing Nutritious Foods (general) 10218.625 44.819 49.5 559255 477060 42325 2640 249 84 0 22097 9845 533616 20684 212914 346341 76296 235262 5691510
Business Retention and Expansion 56.75 0.249 0.5 1783 1629 110 22 0 0 0 4 18 1762 21 792 991 46 170 436
Agritourism Planning 89 0.390 0.25 3636 3260 93 6 0 0 0 138 139 3621 15 1472 2164 134 227 10872
First Impressions 63.5 0.279 80 2076 2048 20 8 0 0 0 0 0 2076 0 833 1243 0 49 500
Economic Development 606.375 2.660 69.75 23726 22231 835 97 12 6 0 354 35 23204 366 10824 12902 1697 1504 71884
Kentucky Extension Leadership Development (KELD) 166.5 0.730 11 6247 6056 170 7 3 0 0 0 0 6223 13 3755 2492 1173 131 5322
Youth Engagement Leadership Program (YELP) 39.375 0.173 0 615 549 52 0 0 0 0 6 7 595 19 212 403 45 398 0
Conflict Resolution 23 0.101 0 690 525 147 1 0 0 0 0 17 685 5 214 476 14 65 75
Facilitation Training 39.125 0.172 5 863 776 81 4 1 0 0 0 1 846 17 283 580 116 20 432
Local Food System Development and Mapping 159.75 0.701 4 1317 1187 95 15 0 0 0 0 20 1252 65 532 785 4 80 1430
Community Design/Creative Placemaking 200.625 0.880 25 2098 2076 10 5 0 2 0 3 2 2094 4 895 1203 501 45 6749
Financial & Marketing Literacy for Artisans 170.75 0.749 1 800 797 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 800 0 256 544 76 38 14862
Trail Design 6.875 0.030 0 195 193 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 195 0 97 98 15 2 0
Building Healthy Coalitions 93.5 0.410 8 9017 8549 305 11 5 0 0 0 147 8938 79 3080 5937 493 2990 4839
Community Health Needs Assessment 108.125 0.474 3 1691 1620 66 5 0 0 0 0 0 1679 12 590 1101 15 52 100
Mobilizing Action through Planning and Partnerships (MAPP) 3.75 0.016 0 190 190 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 190 0 83 107 31 0 75
Health Leadership Program 16 0.070 0 528 502 23 3 0 0 0 0 0 520 8 143 385 58 39 637
4-H Youth Development Programming 15349.625 67.323 193.75 694777 573273 34628 4090 804 216 0 45051 29903 670559 17406 285539 409238 45414 316625 2932915
Agriculture 4-H Core Curriculum 4122.25 18.080 119.375 255503 223054 11156 909 143 28 0 16988 1856 249737 4397 109247 146256 24167 131251 487224
Communications and Expressive Arts 4-H Core Curriculum 1568.875 6.881 1.125 107145 98754 5633 706 110 16 0 1151 584 104001 2953 45424 61721 8022 69843 139276
Family and Consumer Sciences 4-H Core Curriculum 2422.625 10.626 3.875 184473 152145 13809 1517 226 101 0 14447 1593 177601 6237 75658 108815 11582 121693 151086
Leadership 4-H Core Curriculum 3410.125 14.957 58.5 204179 180230 10464 1864 330 38 0 5958 1519 196218 4185 77959 126220 15992 139630 281279
Health 4-H Core Curriculum 1124.25 4.931 3 123001 110923 8425 799 131 21 0 1473 1160 118292 4640 54241 68760 6297 95380 168170
Volunteer Engagement 844.75 3.705 57.125 31590 27127 2360 192 82 9 0 1524 189 30736 747 13657 17933 12186 3316 49742
Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum 1822.75 7.995 4.375 131062 113079 6007 837 111 24 0 7353 2121 125996 3536 61778 69284 8833 82179 178458
Science, Engineering and Technology 4-H Core Curriculum 1445.625 6.340 56 88602 76276 7387 870 103 10 0 3180 767 85194 3399 40148 48454 3798 64524 102804
Staff Development 9218.25 40.431 288.625 223432 195608 10795 713 221 21 0 8509 1216 215301 1782 81055 142377 3907 1650 688390
Administrative Functions 18495.875 81.122 63 326163 280102 9789 1050 154 13 0 32879 606 321585 3008 124553 201610 17358 18842 2924902
Administrative Functions 8.875 0.039 0 10 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 3 7 0 0 50
Aquaculture 656.625 2.880 131.5 12874 9675 2736 101 0 2 0 237 123 12642 232 7430 5444 172 81 21581
Arts Engagement 391.25 1.716 16.75 30114 20484 209 100 7 33 0 6875 2373 29862 219 16886 13228 1141 3131 412073
Forages 1971.425 8.647 102.625 97221 94246 1020 30 3 1 0 1860 33 96953 240 68421 28800 344 5839 1656947
Tobacco 740.25 3.247 301 37783 33433 2313 90 254 0 0 1649 35 35400 2374 27516 10267 38 24 161989
Soils 820.125 3.597 110.5 28848 26349 338 127 1 0 0 1932 97 28710 134 22656 6192 99 3862 163013
Swine 169.5 0.743 22 11406 10807 383 204 0 0 0 3 9 11241 165 5974 5432 280 2644 3554
Poultry 358.75 1.573 135 8719 8133 267 308 0 0 0 8 3 8331 388 4904 3815 42 544 2135118
Small Ruminants 566.75 2.486 20.75 8225 6976 445 23 0 1 0 708 72 8067 158 3855 4370 213 2001 17343
Equine 1139 4.996 115.625 38309 33359 1019 141 0 0 0 3709 21 37867 382 17185 21124 2123 6899 175822
Bees/Beekeeping 430.75 1.889 13.625 16760 16564 131 35 17 2 0 10 1 16694 66 10055 6705 287 1898 86195
Total 141557.39 620.866 4550.15 7004191 5371757 291935 27650 4321 972 0 1195961 70649 6852887 110358 3104395 3899796 340008 1709737 62946867